The Squamata Report: Kerry loses Russian vote

Monday, September 13, 2004

Kerry loses Russian vote

John Kerry has lost yet another supporter in the race for President.
Several months ago Kerry claimed that he had spoken to "Foreign" leaders about the war and who they would prefer as an American President. He claimed unanimous support. Then, Republicans asked a poignant question of the Junior Senator from Massachusetts, " Are you saying that you met with foreign leaders from diplomatically opposing Countries in a time of war, about the war and American elections?"
Kerry quickly leapt backwards from the comment and said he was miss quoted by a Times reporter.
Immediately the Reporter called a conference of his peers and apologized to the Kerry campaign for what he says was a translation error that Kerry had said in fact that he had met with "MORE leaders" not Foreign Leaders, and so there was no reason to question why he talked to lunatics, dictators and despots from North Korea, France, Russia, and Germany. There was just one problem with the little incident, however. That is that before the story broke open and the questions were posed, Mr. Kerry held a stump speech and a Republican in the crowd asked him about the validity
of the claim. In his best smug condescending voice, he bit back..."yes I did, and it's no secret that the world is not in agreement with this President on the war....."
Well, since Kerry is an admitted war criminal and has debated himself over every issue to come before him in the senate,and since his flip-flopping has his Presidential bid gasping rapidly like a beached fish, I think Republicans have let that one slide.
However, last week, GlobeScan, a Canadian research company, conducted a "Global Poll " to ascertain the global preference for US President. This is the same trick Kerry tried to pull before with the "More Leaders" stunt that backfired in his face. So how come he is promoting this new Poll to prove who is against Bush and who is for him? It seems to me he's hoping to catch everyone asleep.
The countries who voted in favor of Kerry, like..... France,Germany,Mexico,Canada, etc., are the same ones who opposed us in the war, There is, however, one missing component, RUSSIA.
Yes the people in the former Soviet land are sick of being wrong in the Terrorism fight. They have decided that 328 dead children and teachers and two Airliners hijacked and crashed killing hundreds,is enough to sway their thinking. Now, our furry hat donning friends are fighting in the same war, not necessarily hand in hand with us, but they are not cowering like the Spaniards did after the train bombing.
It seems Kerry has got to adjust his way of thinking to get the Russians back on his side,or he'll just switch to their side and back again, and I'm sure he'll do it in true Kerry fashion. When the question comes to him as to whether America was right to go in to Iraq, he'll simply speak in two languages. In his native French language he'll say " War is WRONG ! Bush lied!!!! He led us on a path to certain doom.....DOOM I tell ya!" and then he'll translate it to Russian, and say " I will continue this valiant effort in Iraq and do it better than Bush, everyone knows I am a great war Hero, see here are the medals I got from Vietnam, you know the ones I threw over the White house wall in protest.Ummm, the ones I got for 2 and a half months in a war I left after receiving those abrasive skin irritations I call wounds. Please Russies VOTE 4ME !!!"
Kudos to Vladimir Putin for finally seeing the light and helping to offer his people true security!
We may differ in political opinion, and yes they are still the same nation that supplied terrorist with weapons while raping the Iraqi people in the Oil for food scandal, but I'd rather see them join the fight late than not at all. As for their past transgressions, I'm not going to dwell on them, besides I'm sure their future transgressions will top that anyway!
I'm looking on the bright side, at least now their not voting for Kerry in the merry 'ole Liberal fantasy "Global elections" :)

Kerry: On the Issues


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