The Squamata Report: The War on Terror : The next chapter in the Christian Crusades?

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

The War on Terror : The next chapter in the Christian Crusades?

Do we understand those who hate us?
Regardless of the nay sayers, and left winged always-wrongs, America did not deserve or do things to provoke the Muslim radicals to spill the blood of innocence on our soil. Israel has done nothing to provoke or deserve these continuous attacks and needless slaughter of innocence at the hand of fascious Islamic Militants.

I hate that we live in a time that requires that I issue a disclaimer of this kind, but I am about to say some controversial things.
I have a great respect for the people of Islamic nations. God frowns on racial hatred and bigotry and so do I.

I am not striking out against the people of Islam. I love my Islamic brethren. Having the love of Christ compels me to love them. It however, is the radical ideology of militant Islam that has warped Muslim minds and draws my ire. It is their hatred of Jews and lust for land & power that make them the primary enemy of Jews and Christians alike.Warped philosophies have stoked the flames of the war against Christians. It is this intensification that we must be aware of. The Christians must be vigilant, and prepared to defend ourselves. However, with a Christian in the White House, it is possible America could strengthen it's stance against militant Islam and possibly add another chapter to the Crusades.
I hear all the chatter and buzz that goes around, honestly, it disturbs me how so many people can be so ignorant of this battle's history. Just because we 'Christians' have stopped fighting, does not mean the wars are over. It is my belief that the wars will never end. Not, at least, until the return of our lord.

It has been a multi-century's long struggle. It has long been assumed by society that the war of the crusades drew to some sort of conclusion. Because of this common misconception, I have been compelled to share a few facts with you that may help you make a poor misguided Liberal reconsider their beliefs on the war.
Now I am going to give you the short version. So if the Reader's Digest version doesn't satisfy you, then you need to read the book
" A concise history of the Crusades", and saturate your brain with knowledge.
I had friends ask me today, the same question I heard 3 years ago.They ask, " Do you think that the Terrorists are doing this because of hatred that they feel towards us due to things like Hollywood and the crazy liberal mindset.
Is it homosexuality, and Jerry Springer's kind of trashy philandering ilk that makes them hate us?
Is it the fact that we live the lives of evil infidels?
The Answer..... NO !
I struggled with this right after 911, I wondered if what I heard from the news and even some Conservatives, was true. I actually went so far as to jump on the band wagon, and bash Liberals for causing the attacks.
I soon realized the vast web behind the motives to kill us. Do you remember the stories told in school about the Christian Crusades. It was always presented wrongly to us in the text books, and the teachers didn't know better. You see Islam was born of war and will always be about war. They refused the Hebrew teachings and those of Catholicism and Christianity. In order for Christianity to survive it had to achieve the status of a formidable people.
The Islamic world has always been in stark opposition to the teachings of Christ. They have always considered their meaning in life to be to over come us. Their " Bible", The Koran calls for our submission to them, we are considered the people of the book.
Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. - The Koran 9:29

Take a look at Israel, the extremists in Palestine and the whole discrepancy over the Gaza. This situation would not have started with out the Islamic taste for blood and a lust to conquer the world. I hear twisted debate go on constantly about how it is Israel's fault that the killing continues because of some warped reason, the reasons change, but the agenda remains steady.
The truth is that Islamic militants murdered and slaughtered Christian communities in droves during the 12th and 18th century, in their quest to control all the land occupied by Christians. The Christians inevitably watched the likes of Turkey, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, Spain and most of the Asia Minor crumble and become Islamic states.
Christians fought back when they gathered their strength. The Arabs lost many key countries back to the Christians. The strange thing about these people is, they never lose. Like the guy who picks a fight with you to steal your bike, and you surprise him and hit him with a brick in the face, only to find him mindlessly come back for more and even near the point of death he is still hanging on to the handlebars, that is Islam. It is a centuries old tenet of the Islamic tradition and faith backed by the Koran, that if a land is captured by or was ever ruled by Islam, it shall always be Islam's land and it is pleasing to Mohammed to die in the struggle to reclaim the land from the Infidels.
If the brick bloodied bully loses possession of your property due to your over coming him, it's inconceivable that you could be charged as the thief, yet that's how so many view Israel. When CNN reports on the events in the middle East they always ignorantly and at times callously skew the facts. I heard their report of the most recent attack on the Palestinians and I was floored. It went something like this. " Israel has used heavy fire from tanks on the border of the Gaza today and killed X number of Palestinian Militants in retaliation for attacks on Israel last Wednesday the Palestinians vow to avenge the slaying."
WHAT??? They are trying to paint the picture of Tit for Tat fighting amongst two war thirsty countries. They are not saying that On Wed. Radical Hamas murderers blew themselves up in yet another bus in Israel that killed and maimed more than 100 people, so today Israel decided to retaliate and kill some of those responsible. Please note also that contrary to the mindless slaughter of innocence by the Islamic terrorists, the Ariel Sharon led army targeted and killed only those who were responsible for the attacks.
You see even from the beginning when the true Arab father Ishmael was born, he was Abraham and Sarah's illegitimate child. He was born of sin and cast out. His birth right was given to Isaac. The radical Islamic factions have hated the Hebrews and the Christians since the beginning.
Where do we fit in? We are a Christian nation ( I can hear the collective agitated sighs from the liberals at that comment), our foundation is of Judeo Christian teachings. Plus our continued support of Israel (regardless how weak at times) doesn't make them too happy either.

So NO, we did nothing to cause this war. We have however done the Christian thing and turned the other cheek for decades. It is time that we do what we started after 911, hunt down these people and remove them from the Earth. We can no longer urge Sharon to hold back on Israeli retaliation. We cannot elect a President who will continue to do that and also weaken America's resolve and relent when we have our feet on their throat. The recent kidnapping and slaughter in a Beslan, Russia school in North Ossetia is a sign of their flagrant disrespect for life. So the next time some Lib tries to tell you that it is our fault, or when a confused conservative says that it is our Madonna/ Britney/Janet Jackson culture of sex and Godlessness, let them know that these people train from an early age to give their life and face death with pride, and to feel no remorse for our deaths. We are to be considered lower than pigs and no thought will ever be taken about our life's importance. Do you think they do all this because Janet lets her boob out and Madonna and Britney kissed. They are not calling us human debris because our morals are different, it is seeded in an ancient hatred for the Chosen of God and their inability to LET GO!!! Ishmael never got over his brother getting the birth rights, and neither have his descendants!


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