The Squamata Report: The Draft story lives on in propoganda

Saturday, October 16, 2004

The Draft story lives on in propoganda

Last week I told you about the sinister plan to brain wash the young and impressionable into thinking there were plans by the Bush administration to reinstate the draft. The House Ways & Means Committee chairman, Congressman Charlie Rangel, has done his part in giving the movement legs, with the Bill he offered up. What gets me is that after the President came out in the second debate and categoregly denied the possibility of a draft, the story still didn't die. Why ? Because John Kerry has been perpetuating this in his speeches, so has Edwards, and Kennedy. We also have MTV's, 'Rock the Vote' still feeding this fear with their little mock draft letter.( photo above)
CBS is also using propaganda techniques in their 60 Minutes stories.
The most outrageous thing about this, is that of the two candidates for President, it is Kerry who is more likely to need a draft. The French and others have no intention of replacing our troops with their own in Iraq, they are opposed to it, why would they want to spearhead the war? No.......,here is the most likely scenario : John Kerry is sworn in , he wastes no time in intruding into the business of those who are in charge of troops on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. In his overwhelming arrogance he decides to go against the flow of the coalition of the 30 nations supporting us now. While giving the French their way, and opposing our only true friends in Great Britton, Australia, Italy etc. he pulls all American troops from Iraq.For PR purposes, he makes deals and proposes weak toothless resolutions to disarm N. Korea and Iran. In true liberal fashion he relinquishes America's most vital weapons in hope that our enemies will see our gesture and do the same. This is the same line of thinking Kerry used when while at the height of the Cold War he voted for a nuclear freeze! It was the opposite that proved effective in the defeat of the Soviet empire,not weakness!

Kim Jong Ill will see America as the Liberal paper Tiger it is under Kerry's command and launches a Nuke on South Korea, Israel or both. After the Millions of people die, Kerry is forced to send troops into Korea or Iran. It is then that we realize that the (all Voluntary) US military that is 85+% conservative, will no longer serve for a commander in chief that does not believe in them,Saying"Wrong War, Wrong time", So he is forced to institute the draft. How many thousands will be sent to jail for not following a mad man who's anti-military, anti-Troops agenda has cost millions of lives. While he is playing down the number needed in the draft to squelch the flames of panic across America, Iraq becomes inflamed in an all out civil war. The Shi'ah attack and attempt mass genocide of the Sunni . The Kurds join in and are completely lost as they watch the last native Kurdish citizen die. Iran then seeing the weakness of Iraq and realizing no American troops are there, they overtake the country and Kuwait falls under the rule of the Iranians.Sights are then set on the desolation of the Continental United States.

The Left is using fear to motivate their base and young people. If George Bush wanted to stoop that low, he could use truth and actual probability to scare the whole country into changing their minds. It is fear that guides most of our votes. After seeing the stances Kerry has taken, we should all be VERY afraid of a post Kerry inauguration America. 911 could be forgotten due to sheer millions dieing in the bloodiest attacks on Earth.
The 2003 and 2004 Joseph Goebbels Award was presented by the German and Vichy French government to controversial filmmaker Michael Moore, maker of the propaganda film 'Fahrenheit 9/11'. The award, named after the Nazi Joseph Goebbels Professor of Film and Media Studies at the Freie Universitaet Berlin, is presented annually to the film director who "is judged by the award committee to have done the most to prevent the spread of democracy and truth through the use of film as propaganda,"

Let us be sure to talk to our children/Teenagers about the dangers of propaganda. Read about how effective a man named Joseph Goebbels and his Das Reich articles was in convincing German people that Hitler was a savior, and that Poland was attacking Germany, and how Hitler was fighting valiantly to preserve the German sanctity of life. Goebbles said "The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never again escape from it." He said "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it...."
His furor, Adolph Hitler's words are haunting in today's world, "It also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around us are of what is really happening to them. "

The fools in American Media,Hollywood,and jumbo morons like Michael Moore have done great damage to the minds of our youth. Even if your teenager is not of voting age yet, you should have this talk with them, they are developing their core values right now. If we don't counter the influence their misguided friends and deceitful media has over them, when they are of voting age, it will be so set in their hearts, we may have no chance. Please do not allow the lies to go unchallenged, if you hear them being cultivated in your work place, or circle of friends, Speak Up!!! Don't be shy. If someone was attacking your faith, calling Christ the names they call Bush, you would speak up. So WHAT if you are no professional, you don't need to be Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity to be effective in a debate, you simply need to say what is in your heart. You know right from wrong when you see it, using your intuition,and trusting in God to help guide your speech, is more important than any
amount of statistical facts and figures.


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