The Squamata Report: Glad I am not a Liberal

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Glad I am not a Liberal

I woke up this morning thinking,"What would it be like if America were governed strictly by Liberals. I thought about the kind of place we would live in today.Absolutely frightening!

Democrats are laboriously trying to equate themselves with the FAR left. They make the mistake of wanting a Democrat in the white house to represent them so badly that they glom on to the first public figure that shows promise. The problem with that is that far too often the "Man of the hour" has been so far left of center that continuation in that order has brought the Dems to accept more and more the moral indignant theories of the far left. Truman and FDR would have never aligned with Ted Kennedy,Nancy Polosi,John Kerry or any of the prominate Democrats of today. Even the slightly more left JFKennedy would balk at theories bandied about by the Democrats like Al Frankin, Bill & Hillary, his brother Teddy and the rest.
I converse monthly with hundreds of people in our region who consider themselves Democrats,when 90% of them have no clue what agenda the far left leaders in their party aspire to.
They know only what they see on TV. They know that George Bush is this rich elitist, oil hungry war monger. In parallel opinion they see America as the totalitarian super power that is out there squashing weaker countries for the sole purpose of raping their land and resources.
The left makes the clear concise vision of our leader out to be some evil agenda rooted on false pretences.
Come on..... When will we wake up and see the bigger picture.Regardless of our political leanings we should examine the state of America ,and make our own minds up about whether or not we are doing the right thing.So I am going to prompt you to think about which side you are on.Where do you place importance;who is leading with moral clarity and who is leading us to desolation and ultimate extinction.

Here's what Churchill said in 1940 regarding the appeasement offers and the unwillingness to join the cause to oust Hitler.
"What would happen if all these neutral nations were with one spontaneous impulse to do their duty in accordance with the covenant of the league and were to stand together with the British and the French empires against aggression and wrong? At present their plight is lamentable and it will become much worse. They bow humbly and in fear to German threats of violence, comforting themselves meanwhile with the thought, the allies will win, each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last. All of them hope that the storm will pass before their turn comes to be devoured. But I fear and fear greatly, the storm won't pass. It will rage and it will roar ever more loudly, ever more widely. It will spread to the south, it will spread to the north. There's no chance of a speedy end except through united action."

The Left doesn't want to stand on their own views,nor do they let their agenda be widely known for fear that a post WWII society might rise against such views,drawing easily the distinction between inherent good and evil.
AS the above Churchill quote indicates the unwilling to engage crowd,will tremble, equivocate,attempt to bow down to the enemy, and in some instances (as we've seen with the current WWIII Democrats) they will align themselves with the enemy,and against America, as an appeasement strategy.
They would appreciate me not illuminating their stance, they know that the vast majority of humans would see the true nature of their agenda if it is side by side with clear moral values.They would ask me not to make the following contrastical evaluation.....but I'm in no mood to appease Libs,so here it is:

(Liberal mindset is Blue)

(Conservative mindset is Red)

Bigger government.One fed by higher taxes,and granted more power over the lives of the people.By instituting government funded and chaperoned aide and support,they relinquish the poor's dependence on themselves and their own actions,and in stead they grow dependence on government.i.e.: Housing- lower needs in rent causes the resident to be satisfied with lower income,privacy is breached often by inspectors, causing the resident to feel comfortable with the government's authority even in their own home.Affirmative action has the same effect on black Americans.You make a race feel inferior to whites by reverse discrimination. Then you instill in young black Americans the notion that to reach their desired summit financially they must have all superior whites removed from the playing field."Blacks just can't compete in such a biased White America",the longer we accept this,the longer black Americans will be viewed as inferior and can be controlled and manipulated.
Smaller government.One that relinquishes the ownership of the country to the people.With less government programs designed to make the poor stay poor,you require less money to run necessary government procedures.The people prosper with a lessened tax burden,and the more money is controlled by the people,the more the power is relegated to the people.When it comes to Affirmative action, you wipe the board clean. You don't aide one race to catch up to or succeed over another. You level the fields by making blacks realize they are equal to whites already. The racist America that existed in the past is not the America we live in today.Does racism and racial subordination still exist? Yes! It however is not a prevailing force.Discrimination is against the law and will always be. As a matter of a fact,If you think race is a factor in job selection or education you have a recourse and are able to sue.That is however (thanks to leftist thought) unless you are white.If you are white,for some reason the left thinks you deserve to be discriminated against to further their agenda.Discrimination is evil in all forms. I, however, believe there are Americans of all races, and creed who need assistance in education and job placement. It is the role of both the Church and the Government to look after the poor, incapeable, and oportuneless. That is why George Bush's 'Faith based initiative" is so vital. Why shouldn't American tax dollars go to faith based institutions who distribute it to the people. Why do we spend tax money to support Amtrac and not the poor in America. What Black,Hispanic, Chineese, Jewish,Arab, and White American communities need are more ABLE church organizations.What could we hurt if we actually helped the church teach tolerance and morals to our inner city youths. If the government doesn't require any standards to be eligable, then it will be fair. Jewish, Buddists,Christian, or Muslim churches should be aided with Tax dollars. It is not a violation of any Constitutional law.
Smaller military. John Kerry has voted to discontinue most of the weapon systems used today by our military. The notion is that if you lessen the size of our defense,you appear less threatening to those who may dislike America.When you spend less on military,you free up funds to use in government aide programs.Besides,the world doesn't need us to police it.Who are we to tell others how to govern or act.It is that me first mentality.I take care of me,and you take care of you.If people are oppressed they were meant to be.
Larger military.If you are not old enough to remember the cold war and Reagan's victory over the soviet union.Read history books on it.Realize that we avoided global soviet rule simply by staying ahead of them in the Arms race.With greater military means we are able to help the oppressed & weed out terrorists and evil regimes.With greater ability to make a difference comes greater responsibility to do so.The reason we must liberate the oppressed and foster freedom around the world is because we can.
Religion. There is no role in government for a highest authority measuring rod(unless it be a liberal governing body).The agenda is to drive the bible's morality and all that believe in it's use out of the public's view.Make no mistake it is certain that oppression of Christianity is a major goal of the left.Once you level the moral highground,the twisted thought process that allows totalitarianism and communism goes unopposed,and people are more apt to align with the policies enforced.
Religion.The vast majority of conservatives believe the teachings of Christ and realize that we have an obligation to the security of all mankind.The right stands on the principals and values trumpeted by the bible.Not to say all believe in Christ,but they do have a moral compass.The right does not believe that America should have to abandon the moral foundation it was created on,just to accomplish equality.I can't think of a single nation that would allow it's central religion to be thrown out just so no one is offended.We should not be expected to do the same.
Abortion. The left established the "woman's right to chose" movement.It is thought that although government should be in charge of all other aspects of your life,when it comes to personalinconvienence a baby's right to live is trumped by the mother's right to not be inconvenienced.If total control by the left was achieved they could get the morality thing out of the way and they wouldn't have to worry about the fact that a baby is alive and feels pain,Or that a life is being snuffed out to prevent a stretch mark.The left ignores the fact that the available parents to adopt out number the available children 10 to 1.
Abortion. A baby is predestined to the life it has and is going to have Life.The acknowledgment of God forces the conservative to want to protect ALL endangered life on Earth,including the unborn.
Now,if you think about this for a min. you will have to come to a conclusion leaning left or right. There is no middle ground.You either believe that a baby's life is more important than your own discomfort,or you believe CHOICE and RIGHTS are more important than a human soul.

There are many more parallels to be drawn,think of as many as you can.If Americans would examine more the contents of their heart and set aside the advancement of their party in an election year,they would see that what we are doing is not only in the best interest of America but the World!
I hope I have encouraged you to look at the side of the line you are on and wonder if your political stance jives with your spiritual beliefs.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your a women and your glad you can vote, thank a liberal. If you like democracy, thank a liberal. If you like that the U.S. has a strong middle class, thank a liberal.

Blogger Unknown said...

Mike, You must be smoking dope! Oh yeah, ' If you like to smoke dope, thank a Liberal.' I like that, it fits.


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