The Squamata Report: Christians are still the majority in America

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Christians are still the majority in America

The liberal news organizations (CBS,NBC,MSNBC,CNN, The NewYork Times, and PBS) don't mind flooding our minds with these attacks on our culture and morality because they know it will keep the mainstream public's focus off of the left's true goal, to use our constitution to destroy us.
MOST Christians are highly aware of these attacks. It is important that we also keep our focus on the important things "Politically speaking". It is a political war, and we should know how to defend ourselves politically. You see, we stand to lose our basic freedoms by the political process. If the Liberals can divert our attention from their goal of rewriting our Constitution, and concern us with things we hold dear, they can become the majority by splitting us up ( informed / uninformed). When the liberals win on things like Gay Marriage, Legalized Drugs, anti-Morality laws etc. they know they stand no chance retaining power based on such lunacy. To them these are temporary victories, and these continue to serve as diversionary tactics.
Even though Roe VS. Wade was ratified, we still have them beat with new laws and bills signed into effect protecting unborn babies (i.e.:
The unborn victims of violence act ,'Lacy and Conner Law). The Roe VS. Wade decision and the UVV act can not logically stand together. One must fall.I believe that we have a chance during Bush's next term to come out on top. I also think that these scary petition drives and campaigns about, Movies being under attack, Schools banning the mention of God, and the attack on Christmas are missing the big picture. Christian Americans are the country's largest demographic . We are the large crowd that surrounds the small few radicals. We proved that, when we saw the Passion of the Christ break box office records, and then even when the left joined forces and spread lies and used demagoguery and shadowy tactics, WE WON THE PRESIDENCY BY A RECORD MAJORITY. I say they are missing the mark because there is a real battle that is raging, that needs the full attention of the Christian American people. It is a battle that will determine whether or not we lose our right to be Christians and worship God .
The constitution has in the 1st amendment, these words...... "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
This was set up to protect the public's right to freedom of worship without the government deciding how, or initializing a religion that the people must follow. It was a way to see that Americans did not suffer the way they did in the Theocracy they escaped from. This does not say that government is restricted from having ties to or supporting a religious organization. The Left interprets it to mean that Government and any organization with ties to Christianity may not have any dealing what so ever! Theirs is an interpretation without challenge. We just accept that it would be bad to use the government to help religious organizations. I say, HOGWASH!!!!!!!! It is imperative that the US Government (a tool used by WE THE PEOPLE) does help out groups like The United Way, The Salvation Army and The Boy Scouts. These groups contribute to the well being of our society. What harm has ever been done to us by the Christian Church, the Red Cross, or Salvation Army? None. So why would we not want to support them. Some say " Because it would be unfair to unbelievers", NO IT WOULD NOT!!! Unbelievers have always been included in Christian affairs and in our churches. It is the Christian who is impugned and scorned and ridiculed in the secular establishment,Not the other way around. Yet they say government should be used to give grants to any company to support it or help establish it, extending rights to Atheists, agnostics, Gays, and any religion such as Islam, Buddhists, and Satanists, so long as no one spews that hateful Christianity.
I can not find the words, " Separation of Church and State", in the Constitution. Can you? Yet it is the basis on which the left seeks to destroy the right of Christians in society. They have always used these same phantom type excerpts, from the constitution. For example: They used the
14th amendment to support Roe VS. Wade. Citing that Griswold vs. Connecticut, ( which found that there are implied rights in the constitution that are not specifically mentioned, so called penumbral rights) found that the First, Third, Fourth and Fifth Amendments call for people to retain certain " Rights to privacy". Although nowhere in the constitution is there a mention of a person's right to privacy, it is an implied right , and therefore can be used to show a woman's 'Implied right to privacy' ratifying Roe VS. Wade. They don't understand the central goal of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (the 1st Ten Amendments), they were written to govern what our Government can and can't do, NOT what people can and cannot do. We already know we have inalienable personal rights granted by God, and that the right to life is one of them. You see the radicals know that the Bible is best qualified to govern people, but they get no support for their agenda there, so they are using the Constitution and not the Bible to govern citizens.
This tactic is being used today to give corrupt 9th circuit court justices the power to strike down rights of Christians, one by one. It is this that we should all be looking at. It is the fight to retain Christian's rights in the US Constitution that is most important. We must hold tight to our place in this country or we may someday, not have a place . Write to
Sen. Hutchison , and let her know how you feel about the anti-Christian factions that seem to be demanding we take a back seat to them. But most importantly, do not allow the ones you love to fall prey to the ideological poisonings of the left. The more we shore up our base, the more control we have over our destiny.
I am not really stressed about most of these recent petty attacks on us i.e.: The Declaration of Independence being found unsuitable for classrooms in

Cupertino,California because it mentions
God , and the seal in LA California , you know, the county seal that has a cross in it and has for centuries, but now was removed at the behest of the ACLU. We are winning the battle against the ACLU and all of these other wacko factions from PETA to the NAACP. They are the minority in this country, they seek to rule over us, the majority. Make no mistake, as long as we ARE the majority and can win an election like the one we just did, we are flexing our mighty muscles, and we cannot lose. We are THE body of Christ!! No power on Earth can take us unless we let them. Evil does not persist in the face of the righteousness, lest the righteous neglect to act. So lets keep our eyes on the Supreme Courts, and lets continue to elect people of faith to all offices in our land. When I hear Christians respond to the criticism of Bernard Kerik, and say." He was no worse than Bill Clinton", I am shocked. We are to remain focused on what matters, and morality still counts. We will be better off with Asa Hutchinson, Lee Baca or someone else as the Homeland Security chief Secretary to the President!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ken - this might be a little outdated, so please excuse the tardiness to this post, but the content I think is still very relavent to your article. It is featured on my webpage on It goes as follows-

Christmas is dead.

Just so you all know that Jesus most likely was not born on the 25th. Some early church fathers believed it to have been December 25th, but the Bible does not say when Jesus was born. Some argue that Jesus was born in the Fall, probably in September by our modern calendars. However, the Bible does not even really tell us what season Jesus was born. The early church declared December 25th to be Jesus’ birthday in order to replace a pagan Roman holiday, Saturnalia. Ironically, December 25th was a celebration of the birthday of the sun god. The early church, in an attempt to get rid of the pagan holiday, declared December 25th to be the birthday of the Son of God. Now, Jesus very may well have been born on December 25th – we simply do not know. Whatever the case, it does not matter, theologically, when Jesus was born. It also, therefore, does not matter what day we celebrate his birth. Rather than disputing December 25th as the day of Jesus' birth, we, as contemporary society go on about our shopping escapades without truly acknowledging that we have a largely non-christian society.


The term "Christian" is not defined by the denominal church you attend or how many times you read scripture.

Chris·tian ( P ) Pronunciation Key (krschn)

Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.
Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.
Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.
Showing a loving concern for others; humane.
Based off of these princibles from the definition of what it is to be "Christian" how many of your Christian friends gave to the homeless this year. Jesus taught to love one another as you wished to be loved.

My friends, Christian or not, we are not doing this, all the while celebrating Jesus Christs birth, with banners, advertisements, cards, shopping malls, movies, sell, sell, sell!!!!

Jesus would be appalled at all of us. This whole Christmas thing is enjoyed by us non-christians alike because, I personally enjoy coming home to my parents house, sitting on my @$$ for 4 days straight, scarfing down my mother's food, and getting fucked up with old friends.

So why should anybody complain about Christmas being a commercial parody of itself?

The Christians on the right should. They should be complaining about the use of the word "Christmas" as an economical, commercial, and financial guise instead of a true, deeply felt spiritual indicator to examine one's own devotion to the teachings of Christ.

Instead, these hypocritical wack jobs are persecuting any one as a liberal communist that labels Christmas exactly what it is - a "Holi -(Holy) day." As in "Happy Holidays." They [the "Christian" right] want to claim, along with Fox news anchor Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hanninty That it is the left and non-Christians who are taking the Christ out of Christmas, when the exact opposite is true.

These evil-doers, these liars, these narcissistic pricks actually think that they are doing Gods work by implementing and advocating war, blindly siding with a president that thinks God speaks directly to him, attacking countries that never attacked us, drilling for oil in our natural wildlife reserves, continually fund war profiteering, ignoring the parents of slain soldiers, denying basic veterans benefits, running from a 5 trillion national surplus, to a 5 trillion national deficit that our grandchildren will have to pay off, hiring incompetent officials like Micheal Brown of FEMA who let poor black American citizens die, (but when a middle class white girl goes missing its all over FOX news), and cut into our individual liberties by spying on their own citizens? What the hell is going on here? Is any one as upset as I am about these things?

And then the right comes out with this bullshit claim that there is an attack on Christianity? Jesus is weeping. Right now.

Oh wait, maybe it's not such a bullshit claim after all. There IS an attack on Christianity. And it's coming directly from these so called "Christians". Real Christians don't have a problem with the expression "Happy Holidays" becuase they are thoughtful enough to acknowledge that this country accepts all the other religious HOLY-days of non-Christians as well.

So, to everyone, I wish you a very Merry Christmas, please think of others this season, and give, give, give. In between getting fat and happy, of course.

"As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion..."

From Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli 1797. Unanimously ratified by the U.S. Senate and signed by President John Adams.

Blogger Unknown said...

That's ok.
The link you gave was to the sign in page at your host's address. If you would copy your URL and post it here I would love to stop by. As for the ideas forwarded in this article, I need only to send you to the column called " One Nation Under God". That should rebut most of this tripe. As for the 1797 Tripoli treaty, it was greatly misrepresented here. First of all it was not a founding document it was a treaty, one that was written to insure peace and trade with the Arab people of Barbary. The article in reference, #11, is a rough translation of Arabic into English. As we know with many translations, the meaning can be misconstrued simply because of a broad interpretation. The Whole article reads, "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries." They are reassuring these people who have been at war with Christians for centuries, that we mean them no harm. America is NOT a theocracy, our laws have it's foundation in the Bible, yet we do not impose Christianity on our people. It is in this sense that the author of this treaty said that we are not based on Christianity. They needed to secure an agreement with said nation and this was an obstacle that needed addressing. They made sure their true feelings known at the end of the document when they included this line ( notice it is NOT taken out of context as was the one in the above article): "Praise be to God
I would like to address things like the fact that Holiday is a British word that means vacation and not a "HOLY-DAY", now you are going back to making up facts to support your theory. The whole piece drips with expletives and viciousness. This is a common practice of a frustrated Liberal trying to win a point in an argument he knows he can't win. If you wrote this David, I would have to say that we have a long, long journey to go before you can shed the heavy weight of Liberal animosity. You say you believe in Christ, I'll bet that no one but me will believe that after reading what you have posted here. Would'nt you rather have a possitive outlook on things such as our holidays, our traditions and more broadly......our great Nation. It was'nt founded nor intended to be secular. It WAS however, created in such a way as to protect the rights of secularists, no matter how crazy they act. God bless you bubba.


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