The Squamata Report: MEN IN BLACK

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


It is written by arguably one of the greatest constitutional minds, ever. It is "Men in Black" by Mark "F Lee" Levin.
He speaks plainly, as he
told Rush today, this book is for the common everyday person to read and understand.
You see, our greatest chance to insure that Christian moral values are kept secure in our country is to see to it that we protect the 'Framing documents' ie the Constitution.
I have stated many times that there is no mention of the "Separation of Church and State' in the constitution. But Mark helps to remind us that it isn't the Constitution that they are sighting," It comes from
Hugo Black , in 1947 and the Everson decision . Hugo Black was a Supreme Court Justice appointed by FDR. Before that, he was for a couple years an active member of the Klan. Black snuck this language into the decision: wall of separation, strict wall of separation. That's nowhere in the Constitution. Black put it in this decision. So now when all these pseudo-civil libertarians are running around saying, you know, "separation of church and state," I think we should remind them: You're not quoting Jefferson; you're quoting Hugo Black, the former Klansman! "
The problem is that the Supreme Court has too much power. With no term limits, we allow for a group of people to sit as absolute rulers over us. We get people like
William O. Douglas And James McReynolds a segregationist. These people have positioned themselves as interpreters of the Constitution. It is the belief of many Leftists that the Constitution is a ' Living ' Document. By this logic, they claim that Roe V Wade is Constitutional, they try to strike down the Pledge of Allegiance, any thing that they want, Gay marriage for instance, is obtainable as long as there are a majority of liberal judges in the Supreme Court and radical 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. If it is a case that needs to be substantiated, they simply read into the constitution what ever they think the framers meant to say. It is absurd.
We need to do a Reformation on the Supreme Court. It is slowly in the works. It appears that the Senate can call for a vote to change the rule that allows for filibustering a Supreme court nominee. It requires 51 votes, The Republicans have 51+ votes at the ready. Do not let liberals tell you that it requires a Super Majority ( 60 Votes). There are seven instances that require a Super Majority, and
Advice and Consent is not on that list. I believe they are waiting for the prodding of their Constituency. That means WE must write to our representatives and demand that George Bush be given the right to leave his own stamp on the American Supreme court. Without the control of the Supreme Court, the Liberals will not have any ability to effect change in the Constitution and will be unable to attack Christian values! Bush should have the chance to appoint as many as 3 new Court Justices to the bench. You KNOW what kind of person he will appoint.
The problem is the Liberal Democrats want to filibuster ( Delay until it is withdrawn) any Appointee that they feel is too Conservative. They mean to say " Too Christian".The Democrats change the constitution every time a liberal judge dictates from the bench, and manipulates it to support his agenda or ignores it altogether. We are not proposing to change a " Framing Document" we are changing a Senate rule. Not by slithering through and under the Constitution, but by following Senate Ordinances.
I pray that many will read this and pass it along. I hope you will buy or check out a copy of Mark Levin's "Men in black" and share it and your new found wisdom with others.
We must put pressure on our Senators and representatives to bring this to a vote and lets be done with it!


Blogger Unknown said...

Campaniella, I am so sorry, but you are SO wrong on both accounts. Every President deserves the right to make his own impression on the Supreme Court. And Homosexual Marriage is a back-hand to the sanctity of MARRIAGE! If you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ you could not understand. Marriage is a sacred covenant between 1 man and 1 woman and 1 GOD! To violate that covenant simply erodes further the relation between man and God. I don't dislike homosexuals, I love them in the love of the Lord Jesus. I certainly am not afraid of them. State law Civil Unions are not a compromise. There should be an amendment that protects the vital institution of marriage. And by the way, The minority, happens to enjoy all the privilages that the Majority does. they just don't get to RULE the majority. It is sad, but true. That's what we call a Democracy.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ken, you on da money brother!

"Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination" - Leviticus 18:22 KVJ

Even without running to the Bible, to have sexual relations with the same sex is contrary to advancement of the species and is therefor nothing more than a depraved act of deviant sexual behavior brought about by a lack of self control and arrogant self indulgance.

BTW, as Americans we live under a "representative republic" and not a true democracy:)

Blogger Unknown said...

I appreciate your words of correlation. Your straight-forwardness is also appreciated.
I hear this correction of the use of the word Democracy in reference to our government all of the time.I try not to make it a habit,to talk semantics. But I know you are a very intellegent blogger. I assure you though, my understanding of our government is solid.
I do want make clear that when you correct some one on their use of the word 'Democracy' you are not doing anyone a service.
In the context of the sentence, the word is used correctly, It means to govern by a majority rule. Here is the sentence it was used in: " The minority, happens to enjoy all the privileges that the Majority does, they just don't get to RULE the majority.........That's what we call a Democracy."
We are a COMPLETE form of a Democracy, in that, we do have a majority rule, but the majority achieves its power through the support of a constituency i.e.:" We the People". It is a complex form of a Democracy compared to many other mob rule examples, but that is what makes it superior. If you correct someone and say, "It is not a Democracy it is a Representative Republic" please realize that it sounds as absurd as " It's not a car, it's an SUV." A representative republic is a democracy with arbiters.
That is the point of my piece, it ceases to be a representative republic when 5 men, (the majority vote in the Supreme court) are able to legislate from the bench. Until we close the loophole, we as Christians will continue to be ascended upon by the leftists who would that we cease to be.
I have been to your site and it is a masterpiece. What I have said in the interest of clarity is not meant as an affront.I am sure you appreciate constructive criticism.
Thanks for your comment, I wish you well in your fight for Christian's rights. I am linking to your site, becouse I think it is one of the best on the web!


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