Saturday, April 16, 2005


Just minutes ago 13 year old Sarah Lunde
was found in a fish hatchery pond 1/2 mile from her Florida home.

I am so sick of seeing these babies killed by men who had prior sex offenses. I hear that they are thinking about requiring GPS based tracking devices to be worn and some say make them check in more often. I say Congress is looking at this backwards or doesn't have the best interest of our children in mind! This poor child has no future now. This son of a bi**h cut short her life and will get a comfy jail cell for twenty or thirty years even if he does get the death penalty. There is no way this man should have the right to live one week after his sentencing . Sarah's appeals were ignored by this animal and now his appeals should be ignored by us!

I am calling on Congress to put pedophiles and rapists on death row or give them life sentences with no parol possibilities, NOT BACK ON THE STREETS!

Seriously, this has got to stop. If you murder someone in cold blood, if you kidnap and rape a person you should never see the light of day again! If it involves a child under the age of 18. The death penalty should be mandatory regardless of the state you are in. I am usually in favor of state's rights, but not when pedophiles attack children! When they are sentenced to death, forget the appeals that drag on for years. Expedite the murderers to the chair immediately!!

The most precious things in our life are our children. The people who prey on them have no right to breathe our air. I am sick of this rehabilitation crap. The American prison system can't rehab a shoplifter much less a pathological sex offender. If you are convicted of a sex crime against a minor, YOU ARE DONE FOREVER, you get locked up for life or executed.


My prayers are with the parents of this baby. I know it must be just killing them inside. God bless you Mr. and Mrs. Lunde. May God have his hand on your troubled souls. When Florida was killing an innocent woman in the hospice just one month ago, I offered similar prayers for the Lunsford parents. Their 9-year-old baby, Jessica Marie Lunsford was treated the same way.

Is it just me, or does the name similarities, the location, the MO, the time frame, all not strike you as odd? My question is; Did David Onstott and John Couey know eachother? Were they in jail together? I It is known that rings of pedophiles in these prisons are formed and they are supporting eachother on the outside when released. I know these rings exist. That is even more reason to never let them out again! Do you disagree? If you do, please chime in below and let us all know why a pedophile should be on the streets to kill our kids. Be sure to let us know whether you are a freed pedophile yourself.

If a neighbor's dog gets out of it's yard and attacks my child, that dog can be killed within hours. WHY do we allow these two legged DOGS to get out of their jail cell and attack our children? No judge should let them back onto the street? They are no less than animals and should be treated as such.

Write and tell your Senators and Represenatives to Never let pedophiles out of jail again! 1 strike and you are out. Let's put a stop to this now!

Search for Sex offenders in your backyard! Click Here

Please let me know how you feel, comment below.


Blogger Mark said...

How do I feel? Well, it isn't my feelings that tell me to agree with you--it's sound thought. John Locke used the same image: the man who attempts to murder has relinquished his humanity and become a wild animal who ought to be disposed of.

Yes, the state should bear the sword as it was intended. We are betrayed when they stop executing justice.

Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you Mark, you are exactly right, it is sound thought that causes a person to come to these rational conclusions. THAT is why I am questioning the thought of those in Congress who represent us! These wastes of skin are slipping through the cracks every day, if they don't have the room or money to house them for life, end it! I just found out that the two zip codes that surround my house in a 20 square mile radius is home to 109 convicted sex criminals. 43 of them are pedophiles!!!! I bought this home to raise my kids in, now I am forced to reconsider.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey,I'm in the 11th grade, and I'm actually doing a Law essay in school right now. My topic is Sex offenders and how we should extend there sentencing, maybe for life. So when I came across your blog here, i was very interested. Thanks for your support, And you can count on me to fight for the right to leave safely without the threat of a pedophile.
Keep going strong!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what our government does not get, is that these monsters cannot be rehabilitated. put an ankle bracelet on them, they look like they are at home, but are torturing a defenseless child in their basement. what good is this device that is supposed to be protecting our children. what good is megan's law if parents don't check it on a regular basis or have easy access to the website.....I was molested as a young girl and after his early release (sentence 40 years, released after 2 1/2 years) I am sure he is abusing other children. these are the most manipulative and charming men. they will make you believe they are harmless and you should trust them.


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