The Squamata Report: WE NEED OUR ARMS

Friday, April 15, 2005


"The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty. So let's not have any native militia or native police. German troops alone will bear the sole responsibility for the maintenance of law and order throughout the occupied Russian territories, and a system of military strong-points must be evolved to cover the entire occupied country." --Adolf Hitler, April 11, 1942

We hear stories of kids killing kids like this all the time. These stories incite Liberals to scream and shout about how we should ban citizens from owning fire arms. Do they not understand that it is the existence of armed citizens that deters crime? Don't they understand that their insane 'Gun ban' is just a way to insure that the law abiding citizen has no means of protection against the criminal who will arm himself regardless of the law. What worry does a gun ban instill in a serial killer, rapist, kidnapper, or mugger? NONE! It only effects those who have no intention of using guns for malicious purposes.

Yes innocent children being shot is a serious matter. It is so tragic. It is also tragic when kids are killed by an adult's bare hands. Should we ban the use of hands? It is tragic when kids are killed by cars ( an issue that happens 90x more than the gun issue) should we ban the use of cars? Electrocution happens to kill 1/4 as many people as domestic gun violence, should we abandon the use of electricity? Now these analogies may sound absurd to you, but it is no more absurd than liberals suggesting that guns used primarily to preserve innocent lives should be taken away. Why are they absurd analogies? Because the need for Hands, Cars, and electricity is so great that you would never think of abolishing their use. They are too important to our survival, and billions more benefit from their use than are snuffed out by them. So goes the Gun issue. Guns are used defensively by private citizens in America 3.4 million times per year. At least 3 times as often as they are used in crimes.

You just don't hear about these defensive gun events in the Mainstream media because it does not serve the ( gun control) agenda they support. You see, a dead gunshot victim is news worthy, however, a potential rapist fleeing the crime scene when a woman brandishes a gun is never written about in the 'New York Slimes' or reported on the evening news. If there are roughly three and a half million incidents in which guns are used to kill a criminal, how many millions of times does a gun end a criminal act before it ever happens? Believe me it is a substantial amount.

We will never put a number on those close calls. They are not considered news at all. I can understand why, I mean, No shots were fired, no crime was committed, and the police can't even determine if or what kind of crime would have been committed because the gun being drawn stopped it.

How many rapes, homicides, home invasions, and kidnappings are averted due to the defensive use of a firearm? I am not going to even venture a guess, However I guarantee you it is many more times than they are used to commit these crimes. Many lost liberals say that gun control is needed to protect school kids from being shot, and to stop all these crimes from being committed. They do not realize the error of their thinking. They take this line of thinking to extremes in many instances. They think the best way to protect America from Terrorist attacks is to lay down our arms, weaken our military and talk it out. They think that appeasement is the way to safety. They are wrong, DEAD WRONG! If they want to secure the kids in school, parents should start by actually spending time with their kids and not shirking their responsibilities. Teach your kids about guns. A well educated kid will understand guns and will have a greater respect for them. Plus, if they ever had to use one in self defense, they could do it without killing themselves or other innocent bystanders.

Case in point - Rosewood Florida, 1923.

The way to deter evil is to preserve the second amendment, protect our right to keep and bear arms . Sure the casualties that occur are misfortunate. Sure the innocent men, women and children killed by weaponry, domestically and in war, are tragic. However, we cannot ban the practice of something that insures the safety of billions, just to prevent mere hundreds of innocent casualties. We need our hands, we need our cars, we need our electricity and we need our ARMS!

Liberal democrats say they are against Terrorism and they are for homeland security (in theory, but not when it is actually implemented). So why would they want to disarm American citizens in the face of a war against Terror? That's a hard question to answer, that is unless you come to the conclusion that our national security is not an interest of theirs.
Support the NRA and stand up for your right to protect yourself and your home!


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