The Squamata Report: Extraordinary Circumstances

Monday, May 23, 2005

Extraordinary Circumstances


If you guessed I would be MAD about this you were right! It seems that a few minutes ago the bi-partisan group of Senators that were trying to work out a compromise, met in the office of the Chief of Compromisers, John 'Dempublican' McCain and the group of 14 reached an agreement on the issue of filibustering Presidential Judicial nominees.
It seems that Democrats have agreed not to filibuster Bush's nominees unless there are 'extraordinary circumstances'. In exchange, the Republicans will not change Senate rule 22. However, if the Democrats renege, the Republicans can retry the rule change.

Under this new
agreement, Priscilla Owen ,Supreme Court Justice from Texas, will get her up or down vote; as will California Justice Janice Rogers Brown, and Justice William Pryor Jr. Two Justices are still to be denied their up or down vote. I am sure they will not be the last to be discriminated against. This is an appeasement philosophy and Republican deserters like McCain, Snow, Chaffey, Warner etc., should be voted out of their seats and replaced with people with backbones! What they did was disert the party and the voter base that they swore their allegiance to.

The signing of this deal promises that Bush's Supreme Court Nominees will be blocked, and the un-Constitutional and destructive act of filibustering Judicial nominees WILL CONTINUE! Bill Frist should deny any part in this deal and move on with the fight. We have the votes and if these (R)7 decide they want to go on record as obstructionists let them dig their own political grave. When we backed down from this we did a dis-service to the American people and we emboldened the Dems to continue on in their obstructionist ways.
It is a long term victory for the Democrats and not quite a half win for the Republicans. Yes Brown,Pryor, and Owens will be seated, but there will be no more Conservatives aproved. You can count on it. This is an outrage and it will insure that the Liberals will continue their strangle hold on Judeo Christian values in America!

How about the 'extraordinary circumstances' thing. Do you think you can guess what will be considered 'extraordinary circumstances' ? Any Judge who is deemed Conservative and will rule according to the Constitution will be filibustered and the deal will not have been broken. As soon as a Supreme Court Justice comes forward, we will be sure to see the filabuster again. Thus America will remain in the clutches of radical anti-Christians for many more years. I am just sick about this uncalled for cowardice displayed on Capitol Hill today.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like what you have to say, agree w/your views. Your blog is too hard too read though. I think you'd have more readers if you re-formatted, starting w/ changing your back-ground and font color choices.


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