The Squamata Report: GITMO a Deathcamp?

Friday, June 17, 2005

GITMO a Deathcamp?

Nazis=26 million; Stalin=20 million; Pol Pot=2.5 million; Democrat rhetoric=(still counting);Gitmo=0

I know that by now you've heard the comment made at 7:16 ET on Tuesday night by Illinois Democrat Senator Dick Durbin. Comparing the detention center at Guantanamo Bay to the
Soviet gulags 'archipelago', Nazi camps in Germany and Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. I know I'm late with this but I just can't pass it up.
The reason I started this blog is to reveal the SNAKES in American Politics! In all my years of snake hunting I never have seen such a den of snakes.
Senator Durbin is just the latest viper to rear his ugly head! These Democrats are losing their footing and a plunge to the depths below is inevitable.
Durbin said, "When you read some of the graphic descriptions of what has occurred here -- I almost hesitate to put them in the record, and yet they have to be added to this debate. Let me read to you what one FBI agent saw. And I quote from his report: On a couple of occasions, I entered interview rooms to find a detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water. Most times they urinated or defecated on themselves, and had been left there for 18-24 hours or more. On one occasion, the air conditioning had been turned down so far and the temperature was so cold in the room, that the barefooted detainee was shaking with cold....On another occasion, the [air conditioner] had been turned off, making the temperature in the unventilated room well over 100 degrees. The detainee was almost unconscious on the floor, with a pile of hair next to him. He had apparently been literally pulling his hair out throughout the night. On another occasion, not only was the temperature unbearably hot, but extremely loud rap music was being played in the room, and had been since the day before, with the detainee chained hand and foot in the fetal position on the tile floor." The bleeding heart continues, "If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime - Pol Pot or others - that had no concern for human beings."
So what was it that Dick was saying we did that compared to Pol Pot, Hitler, and Stalin? Have American soldiers been starving and beating and slaughtering THOUSANDS of innocent people? Have our native sons been chopping off limbs and torturing people. According to Democrats like Durbin, Lehy, Boxer, Kennedy and most of the Democratic party YES they have been. They constantly accuse the military that keeps us secure, of being an evil despotic regime that has no reverence for human life. Why would they be so caustic? Because, it is the Democrat's intention to force Bush to close the prison and issue Geneva Conventions rights to the Al-Qaeda detainees. Allowing them full access to our courts and treating them like Americans. If they succeed in this, they will disrupt the entire war.

Following their template, how likely are we to turn terrorists back to the battlefield to kill more of our young men and women in Iraq? Don't be fooled, they know full well the reason terrorists don't get rights under the Geneva Conventions. They realize they would cost the US Billions and put our troops at greater harm, yet their twisted agenda dictates their actions and their agenda trumps the loss of innocent life.

Durbin regurgitated his rhetoric lately, "This administration should apologies to the American people for abandoning the Geneva Conventions and authorizing torture techniques that put our troops at risk and make Americans less secure," Nice try DICK, but we know that these TERRORISTS do not qualify for the Geneva Conventions. However, you compared Our facility to these historical tyrants, so let's see how much they are similar.
First You compared Gitmo to
Nazi Death Camps.

Everyone knows how Millions were tortured and murdered by Hitler. How can you compare barking dogs at Gitmo with Hitler's death camps?
Then he compared Gitmo to
Soviet Gulags.

Do you realize that at times Stalin locked large groups of men in outside stalls, freezing to death in -90 degree temperatures! Well, Durbin said that they found a man who had to be in a room so cold that he shivered in his bare feet. Then (like Stalin remember) he would stay in a cell that reached 100 degrees.
You must, however, take into consideration another major difference here. The men and women killed in the Soviet Gulag (all Twenty million of them) were innocent citizens.

The 520 detainees in Gitmo who enjoy religious rights, fresh meals, comforts and visitors, are TERRORISTS! They have been removed from the battle field and these TERRORISTS who murdered Iraqi citizens and American soldiers are spared the 120 degree temperatures our troops endure daily!
Lastly, Sen.Durbin, you compared the US detention camp to Pol Pot. I don't think the Senator knows a thing about Pol-Pot!

Saloth Sar is the man many Cambodians knew as 'Brother number One'. The rest of the world came to know him as Pol Pot. In his lust to take control of Cambodia, Pol Pot developed an underground insurgency militia he named 'The Khmer Rouge'. The US and South Vietnam dropped 539,129 tons of bombs on Cambodia ( three times the tonnage dropped on Japan in WWII) The allied attacks were to stop the North Vietnamese from using Cambodia as a base in the Vietnam war. Soon, Pol Pot is given aide from China and the North Vietnamese. Within months his army had grown to more than one hundred thousand. He began to sweep the country side and gathered together everyone who did not fit a strict profile and forced them into labor camps. The Khmer Rouge gathered the entire population of Cambodia in collective farming camps dubbed 'The Killing Fields'. Nearly 2 Million people were tortured, raped, and then murdered. The Allies eventually broke up the camps , but Saloth Sar went on a killing frenzy. Soon he was forced under ground and eventually he was convicted of murdering his right hand man and died in a prison in 1998.
Documentation Centre of Cambodia has done their best to calculate the total number of murdered innocent human beings. The tentative number stands at just under 3,000,000.
So all I can conclude is that the Democrat Senator and his comrades either know NOTHING about these events and are just trying to sound smart in their rhetoric. Or the more likely choice is that they are so drunken on the lust for power that they would purposefully accuse our soldiers and our President of murderous atrocities similar to these villains. I am not the only one who is offended by DICK's comments. There are millions of Muslims, Jews, Vietnamese, Germans, Polish, French, Russians, and Americans who are outraged that the memories of their loved ones are reduced to such a menial level. I am ashamed, in the face of the rest of the world, to admit that Dick Durbin is a US Senator. Lastly, if you don't think that this kind of rhetoric is emboldening Terrorists against our troops (thus putting them in greater danger) just take a look at the story about his comments in Al-Jazeera News. These kind of comments made on the floor of the US Senate are nothing less than treasonous!
Read the best column written on this subject:
Ralph Peters/New York Post.
I have but one request of you folks in Illinois, VOTE AGAINST Durbin in '08.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again, thanks for a very informative post.
It seems every time he opens his mouth, Dick Durbin proves his ignorance. One would think he would have learned to keep his face shut. I really don't think he understanes the concept of war. and obviously does not know the difference between the innocent and the enemy. God help us! With ignorance like this in our senate, we need all the help we can get!

Blogger Unknown said...

You are right Mama, the true Liberal spirit has been put on display by Durbin and his cohorts. the more the public sees of this the more ground they lose. I tell ya I am all 'for' them making fools of themselves as they are. It is at this moment in time that Christians need to be even more vigilant. We have a perfect opportunity to turn back the damages done to moral values in our courts and Congress. If Conservative Republicans gain 6 more seats in next year's elections, we could see Roe VS. Wade fall. I so pray.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ken. I am not quite sure what I think about this post. IU don't know if anyone is being treated poorly. But I do know that what we did at that other prison, (Iforgot it's name) was cruel. I am not sure anyone can verify or shoot down the statements made until someone makes a surprise visit, documenting and photographing the findings. Thanks for the informative post. I see your comments are up again. Mine are to. See ya around,

Blogger Unknown said...

With all due respect Justin, we don't need a 'surprise visit'. What we need is a bunch of whining liberals to step off and use common sense. What was done in Abu gharib was not torcher. What was done in the early 70's by Saloth Sar was torcher. If we cannot use intense persuading tactics to compel terrorists to talk and give us a heads up to save innocent lives we might as well give up. War is HELL it is not a happy place. If they don't want a knight stick in their rectum they need to stay home and stop killing citizens and American soldiers. What we need is 500,000 Abu Gharibs in Iraq and we'd be in a much better spot in this war.

Ok let the Libs shut down the prisons, afford them civil rights etc. then, when an American soldier or Iraqi Soldier stops terrorists instead of letting them surrender they will shoot apple size holes in all of them. If they are going to be run through the system, cost taxpayer money and be returned to the battle field, we might as well shoot the evil dogs in the head.
Softness and liberal hugs and kisses have no place in this war!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

But we also have to think about the Christian way to Ken. I was watching the news. They have pictures of the abuse in Guantanamo Bay. I don't mean to preach or anything. But all we are doing is giving them more cause to hate us and being just as barbaric as they are. This is the age of an eye for an eye. What to do? I don't know. But abuse isn't the answer. So I am still at a neutral ground as far as the abuse is concerned. But keep feeding the information and keep me updated. Thanks,

Blogger Unknown said...

For every discomfort a Terrorist at GITMO feels, there are thousands of US soldiers who feel ten times the discomfort. I am speaking as a Christian. If you are a Christian I can't see how you wrap yourself around this without being contrary to your spirit. The over dramatized crap you see on the MSM is designed to have you feel just as you do now. It is propaganda developed to give a black eye to the military and our country. I am PI**ED OFF about this Justin! Why can people not see in vivid black and white and see that poking the administration in the eye over this crap is harmful and dangerous to our troops. OK, say we let them out and they go back to Iraq, are you and the liberal MSM going to accept responsibility when they kill an American?
No, I don't think you nor they would accept responsibility, so NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO We will not shut it down! If you ask me, I say we should find the FBI agent that leaked this to the Black Turban Durbin and try him for treason. Then try Durbin for treason and when we are all said and done........ Open up 20 more just like GITMO. Only this time, prying eyes will get no admission.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Your posts always set me to exploring my own views about stuff. I feel like I have to sort out my feelings and beliefs and be prepared to take a stand. This is a good thing.

So, what do I think? I believe that torture for the sake of torture is wrong. But as a method to gain information that could save the lives of innocent Iraqis, Americans, or anyone else, I think it is justified. To be honest, these people are my enemy, and although I do not hate them I have no compassion for them either. Given the chance they would torture and kill me and my family, simply because they are filled with hate.

If I discovered a nest of pit vipers in my back yard, I would not wait until they attact to deal with them. I would eliminate them before they got the chance. I feel the same way about terrorists.

Blogger Unknown said...

AMEN Patty! You are exactly right. I agree, torture just for the fun of it IS evil. However, America has never been the evil entity that Leftists and anti-Americans (oops redundancy) say we are. We just have to ask ourselves.... Why were the Democrats not outraged at Zarqawi when he beheaded his prisoners, yet when Americans humiliate detainees they go world wide with their outrage? It is because we are the enemy to them, it is JUST that obvious. Thank you Patty-Jo for stopping by.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not saying we should let them out. I understand your anger. But I don't think that sexually abusing prisoners is considered interogation. And hanging them from the ceiling, what's up with that? As I said before, we are acting just as barbaric as they are and giving even greater cause for more attacks. If they killed someone, then just put them on death row. Otherwise, leave them in prison the rest of their lives.

Blogger Unknown said...

No one has proven ONE single act that is contrary to Geneva Convention's standards. a large percentage of these prisoners are privy to information that could stop attacks or bring others to justice before further damage can be done. The ones who are being exposed to intense interrogation are not being subjected to such treatment for fun! There are only a few detainees who are treated this way. NONE have been sexually assaulted, who ever told you that made it up! Yes those things were done (mildly) at Abu Ghraib, but those standards and actions do not equate with GITMO. Let me tell you something, these Terrorists are getting off light. It was 16 years before many who were POWs from Germany got their military tribunal, and sentencing!
Let me finish with this, CT and hopefully I can get you to understand where I am coming from. In Iraq our troops are denied sanctioned prayer and such because the ACLU and every liberal militia in America wants to make sure no one's imaginary freedom 'from' Religion is violated. In America's schools you can be expelled for expressing your religion. In Nazi and Vietnamese POW and concentration camps, Americans and Jews had their nipples crushed with pliers, they had toe nails pulled out slowly, they were subjected to extreme temps ( 90 degrees below zero, and 120 degrees above), Religious Rights? Ask an ex detainee from any of our wars and see how much religious freedom they had. Ask them if they would prefer this cotton-candy torture in GITMO compared to the torture they saw in Vietnam, Cambodia, and WWII. Because I promise you they will chose GITMO, where they get three squares a day, medical treatment, Air conditioning, Pillows and mattresses, and to top it off, during their state sanctioned prayer time they get absolute quiet from the guards. The guards cannot even walk down the isle outside the cells for fear they may disturb the worshiping prisoners. NOW, can you tell me that they are being abused? When you listen to this liberal tripe on the MSM and take their rhetoric for truth, you fall into their political trap. They made up atrocities to give reason to call for the closing of this prison. Why? To further frustrate the war effort and cause us to fail. These people are twisting facts to support their agenda. Please understand, If these Terrorists have to have their eyes plucked out with a hot poker, so be it , if it saves ONE OF OUR BELOVED SOLDIERS !!!!!!!!! I'll trade the life of ten thousand of those piles of human waste to save one innocent Iraqi or one of our troops. But don't worry, those extreme measures will not be taken, unless it is one of our soldiers that experiences it at the hands of men like these!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job Ken. You couldn't have made yourself any plainer. And you have certainly pulled the lid off the cesspool of propaganda we are being fed.
I must say I don't like CT's idea of prison for the rest of their lives. I have much better places for my money to go.
This is war, not the Hilton.

Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you Mama. I don't mean to thrash CT around so much, he really is a good herted guy. He just needs a helping hand from folks like us. I apreciate you coming by and helping me set the tone. You are right, I don't need to be taking food money out of my kid's mouths to feed a Terrorist who wants my very same kids dead! You make total sense, and I think deep down, CT is being turned from liberal ideas. He has been subjected to this very same MSM that we have discussed here. He was indoctrinated long ago and it may be a tough row to hoe but I want to help him.
He has already given his heart to Christ, now he just needs to give his brain to him. I think God sent him to The Squamata Report for a reason. I love to debate him on certain topics but I'd rather have him see clearly. Maybe he needs to visit
The Wide Awakes
and perhaps everyone can help. I also think going to the
Holy Tornado
can help fix him too.


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