The Squamata Report: Libs lament, Bolton will be confirmed

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Libs lament, Bolton will be confirmed

UN corruption serves the Liberal agenda!

American Liberals are afraid that if John Bolton becomes ambassador to the United Nations his bold nature will shake up the corrupt entity. The upheaval might uncover more proof that the UN and Liberal ideology are culpable in even more evil done around the world. Is it any wonder that while President Bush trys to crack down on nuclear proliferation in Terrorist friendly countries, we see the UN, (while under investigation for the Oil for Food Program) 'oops' lose documents that could help terrorist influenced nations build and test Nuclear weopons? It is obvious that the UN and Liberals have nefarious intentions when it comes to the US and Israel.

As we speak the 'Play-nice' group of Democratic Senators in Washington are quasi-filibustering the nomination of John Bolton. Why do they want to block the nomination of a man who undoubtedly will shake things up in a corrupt United Nations? As true-Blue Americans, should'nt they want the UN to be free of such coruption? No, they do not, because Liberals see the UN as the embodiment of their beliefs. Liberals are appeasers by definition. When the UN sat idly by and allowed the horrors in Northern Iraq (Kurds), Srebrenica, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Darfur and many more, they in effect sanctioned millions of innocent lives to be lost.
Then when the US or others step in and stop the massacres and genocides, the UN holds tribunals and elevate themselves to executive status as if they were the presiding force all along.

The Liberal Democratic party of America would like nothing less than to see the UN flag flying high above the US flag in Washington. The corruptness and irrelevancy of the UN are not faults in the eyes of Leftists, they are illustrative of their agenda. If Libs truely wanted to help end suffering in the world, they would support reform in the UN. The fact that they don't, reveals that Humanitarianism is just a Liberal front.

So of course the dems are fighting Bolton's apointment. No matter though, the Liberal-Democrat-Alwayswrongs do not have enough votes to keep this up. Soon the nomination will be carried and Bolton will descend on the UN like the US 4th Infantry Division on the rat hole Saddam hid in! I am anxious to see, reguarding 911, how much the UN knew and when did they know it? Could you imagine the damage that would be done to the Democratic Party when the UN is rendered incapable of serving it's purpose, and new investigations show how the Oil 4 Food Scandal ties Saddam to 911. They would be left with no arguement against the war in Iraq. So believe me when Bolton is confirmed, Democrats will be more depressed than they were when they had PES (Post Election Syndrom).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How trite your political cliches are> I am a very very liberal guy. Bolten has no managerial skills...he has demonstrated this. Since the UN sucks, and is corrupt, he belongs thre. But if you truly believe that he is going to change it then you are living in M. Jackson's Neverland.

Blogger Unknown said...

My condolences on the whole being a Very Very liberal guy. Hopefully some day they will find a cure.
As for Bolton, he will be able to better interject the Conservative agenda (scruples and not corruption) into a morally bankrupt institution.

Do I think it is going to change things? With all my heart! If it doesn't improve the UN it will help shut it down! Either way, America benefits.
Now a question for you Fred. I am surprised to hear a Lib like yourself express such a distaste for the UN. I thought they were an all important institution to all Libs. What is it about them that you don't like? Or were you being facetious?


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