The Squamata Report: America's Socialist Welfare Programs

Sunday, July 24, 2005

America's Socialist Welfare Programs

More Liberty Means Less Government
More Government Means Less Liberty

Seventy years ago, FDR signed the 'Liberal' Social Security Act of 1935 as a part of his second phase of the 'New Deal'. He was battling a great economical depression and social depravity. Would Wendell Willkie or Tom Dewey have come up with a Conservative alternative program to pull us out of the ditch? That was and is still not evident, and unlikely. Not because Conservatism could not have solved it, but because these men were not ideological equals to Roosevelt. However, with all of it's positive turn outs, the new deal ramped up the Social Democrat's agenda and thrust the US into a state of social dependency.

Social Liberalism is a theoretical stance dependant on it's subscriber's feelings and emotions. Everyone who passes the homeless man on the street wants to help him. What it comes down to is HOW you go about it.
If you derive your political opinions from emotion and if you choose to support leaders who seek immediate solutions regardless of future consequences, are you REALLY doing your Country a service? This social dependency in it's maturity is nocuous and regardless of past intentions, absolutely pernicious towards long term societal prosperity.

An ancient Chinese proverb says:
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. "
Regardless of the source, it is a basic tenant of American Conservative thought. We rely on the re-write by Karl Marx to reveal the tenant of Liberalism. He said,
"Sell a man a fish, and he can eat for a day, teach a man to fish, and you lose a great business opportunity?"
That is the exact goal of liberal Democrat social programs. Keep the populous reliant on the government and the government becomes all powerful. Democrat Senator Huey Long said FDR's income redistribution would “make every man a king.” He was afraid that his counterpart would work against the true Liberal/Socialist agenda and cause everyone to be self reliant. The long time motto of the Democratic party has been, The party of ' The Common/poor Man' . Is it just me; or does Marx's comment not sound anti-'Common Man' ?

The dangers of the current 'Nanny State' are many, and our children's future is being spent to enslave them. If you are poor, American social legislation and human services will feed you, clothe you, House you, and employ you, requiring little more from you than submission. The fastest way to lose this crutch is to make any attempt to help yourself. If you get a job and work hard enough that you lessen your dependency on these programs, you will no longer qualify for aid. So what has lower-class America learned ? Stay home, remain on the drugs that hinder your resolve, and make no movement towards independence and you will be rewarded.

~The Solution~

I may actually be to the right of many Republicans, but I believe my ideas could turn Socialism on it's head and in the end greatly reduce poverty and inoculate America from the future threat of Communism.

The current Liberal 'Support' programs work against such goals and should be reformed. Here is how I would suggest we reform some of them.

Affirmative Action- (AA) should be dissolved, and replaced by incentives that promote fairness. 'AA' is racist, not only against the white race, but more so, it is deleterious to minority races. It opposes the progression towards individual self reliance. It rapes their pride and self esteem by teaching them that they are somehow inferior to the white race and MUST depend on Government to get ahead. When success is achieved by hard work and self discipline, the result is less dependency, more security, and ultimately greater freedom.
SOCIAL SECURITY- (SS) First, American's must realize that Social Security is not 'Old Age retirement' and it is not intended to be your sole means of support. Most Americans will never see a dime of the taxes they pay into this program. So personal responsibility and financial planning is necessary to secure individual financial solvency in our life's twilight. So much about this product of the second phase of FDR's 'New Deal' is misunderstood. It is misunderstood because it was propagated to be so. Liberals knew that Americans would not swallow such a monumental TAX INCREASE unless they thought it was some safety net or alternative to personal financial responsibility. When it was introduced, Americans were seeing their elderly reap the horrors of the depression. Of course it was an easy sale, the American people were led to believe that there was some massive bank vault where their money would be kept for them until they retired. Nothing could be farther from the truth. You actually do not have any legal 'right' to the money you pay in. There is no secret bank account for 'SS', the money that is robed from your paycheck this week has been spent years ago. However, we currently have a robust economy and the opportunity for low income citizens to plan for the future has never been greater. That is why I say we should support the President's plan for 'SS' reform.

WELFARE PROGRAMS- (WP) There are many reasons why Liberal Democrats/Socialists continue to work to remove Biblical principals from the American vernacular. One is because it interferes with 'WPs'. You see, long before FDR's parents were born, communities cared for their infirm and destitute through the church. If food was to be handed out, or if shelter or medical care was needed, the Church provided it. We did not pay taxes to the government to support tens of millions of dependant citizens. We paid tithes to our church. They didn't get a hand out and a kick in the teeth from the church, they received a helping hand and the sustenance of God's word to help them avoid such needs in the future. We should support programs that foster human will and teach self reliance. We have the ability to protect the truly needy in ways that deters laziness and abolishes governmental slavery. These programs do not need to be scrapped all together. They simply need to be redirected and marginalized. We must marginalize the ' Welfare State', and stop the marginalisation of the American people!


Blogger loboinok said...

Absolutely awesome! Socialism is a cancer that is eating our country alive!

Blogger Unknown said...

You are exactly right Jay,I just hope American citizens will have the resolve to remove this cancer, lets just hope it is benign. I am so glad you stopped back by, keep kick'n those Socialists in the teeth at Stop the ACLU !!
Mama, your mom and my Grandmother sound like kindred spirits. There are so many different examples I wanted to go into but I just don't have the time. (Raising a family leaves little 'Me' time)
I am glad you noticed the fact that I am spiritually led. I have always had a deep relationship with our Lord. When I was a child my grandmother could not get her 9 kids and 52 grandchildren to church. So, she built a platform in the field by her house and had church 2 times a week. She dreamed that one day she would finish that church and it would live on past her lifetime. She never saw that come to pass. I guess something's are left up to her grandchildren and great grandchildren ( who now outnumber her grandchildren). I hope to someday see that dream of hers come true. So, anyway, as an 8 year old kid, I was given 20 minutes to give sermons I had prepared and worked hard on all week. I still have some old tapes of it. It was very cute....if I may say so myself :)
Grandma said I was a vessel of God and that the holy spirit had great plans for my life. Those plans seem to be nearly played out. I am 33 years old and I am so involved in every day life that I have no time for much else. Thank you for your comment, it really means allot to me. And talk about spiritually led The Holy Tornado is obviously meant to inspire and solidify Christian spirituality and enlightenment. Thank you both for doing what you do.....and keep it up!


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