The Squamata Report: G8 Summit Promotes Genocide

Sunday, July 10, 2005

G8 Summit Promotes Genocide

Last weekend, as I am sure you are painfully aware, there were ten concerts held with the intent to raise awareness of the need for African relief. The Liberal activists were participating in this pathetic event because they hoped to influence the members of the G8 to give more money to the nations of Africa to fight poverty.
Ok, let me see if I can illustrate the absurdity of the Live 8 concert with a little story I wrote called:

"Mr.Larebil's solution ""

On Htrae street lived many families of various economical status. On one side of the street lived a rich man, Mr. Larebil. He did not come of his wealth easily. It took years of blood sweat and tears to obtain an economic comfort. Granted it wasn't his blood sweat and tears that got them there (his wife Evitavresnoc's dowry had made them rich) but that's neither here nor there.

They have a nice car, a beautiful family and a home that has turned it's fair share of heads. Now Mr.Larebil had a terrible leftist lean, and was compelled to work hard at helping the poor family across the street. This family did not exactly qualify as your text book family. The Stopsed family was made up of many loosely related family heads that disliked one another as much as they disliked their own children. They fought amongst themselves, stole from one-another and often took their frustrations out on their own children by gathering them in to a group and cutting their heads off. Some times they would rape them and torture them first.

When Mr. Larebil saw the poor starving and abused children his heart was stricken with compassion. So every so often he would gather with a group of his well-to-do friends to send a large check to them. Since 1963 this group of well-intenders sent great amounts to them. Mr. Larebil's family sent more than $568 billion. Yet the family still lives in squalor and the women and Children remain persecuted.

So Mr. Larebil organized a concert of all of Thrae's beloved has-been stars. They didn't give any money but they drove home the point that the Larebil's group should double their gift to the Stopsed family.

After many years of carry'n on like this, the Stopsed family started breaking into the Larebil's home and stealing. Soon they were so bold as to burn their house down. But Mr.Larebil kept on giving them money in hopes that they would soon be like him.

As you may have guessed, eventually the Stopsed family over took the Larebils and killed them all. Now, the Stopsed family owns all of Htrae st. and evil reigns supreme......Forever and ever.

Now if you followed the story you see how absurd it is for Liberals in America and other countries to continue to ship financial aid to the Countries of Africa.

There are 57 Countries in Africa, most of them are or were recently ruled by tyrannical despots. When you think of Africa do you think of peace and prosperity? Or do you think, properly, of the
ethnic cleansing or genocide in the Darfur region of the Sudan? Is your mind drawn to visions of 80,000 murdered civilians in the streets of Rwanda? Or do you cringe at the thought of what was done to our troops in Mogadishu? When you think of all these countries what do they have in common?
They are all led by evil governments and murder their own people. Should we continue to give financial aid to these mad men and fund their campaigns of slaughter?
If the answer is 'NO', what do you think the alternative solution should be? Remember, any form of aid at this juncture is only going to line the pockets of these evil rulers.

Emily Wax wrote an article for the Washington Post/ Foreign Service last Sunday . In it she sited an interview with Peter Kanans, a Bean farmer in Kenya. He saw things as clearly as you and I, " Like many hardworking Africans, I have a serious bone to pick with the G-8," He explained,"Even if they cancel the debt, even if they give our governments aid money, ordinary Africans will not benefit," he said. "That money will only make the corrupt people richer and Africans international beggars for decades to come."

"Anyone who has spent any real amount of time in Africa knows that corruption is the reality. It's a disservice to ordinary Africans to not be honest about that," said Rose Mucheke, 35, a Kenyan health care worker in Nairobi. While her salary is barely enough to meet her monthly bills, she said bitterly, "the aid money will go into the pockets of corrupt officials to buy their fully loaded Mercedes-Benzes."

I think you get the picture. Now, here is my idea to display true humanity and promote prosperity in Africa.

(Legal Disclaimer: I am not responsible for injured Liberals with weak hearts. If this is you, do not read to the end of this page)

First we gather up the well meaning nations of the G8 and use a combined military force to swiftly remove the heads of government in all corrupt countries on the continent. Then replace them with Capitalistic/ Democratic Governments and see to it that their Constitutions promote freedom and liberty. Re-align the borders. Then, sit back and watch them grow and prosper. The Trillions that have been wasted in the past would have really been a shot in the arm for the (Hypothetical) Free Nations of Africa, but even without it they would succeed! Any plan that does not promote freedom will do more harm to Africa than good.

Finally, as for the other subject dealt with by the G8, (
Global Warming) all I have to say is...... HAAAAAA HAAAAA HAAAa that is sooooo Funny. (Ouch, now my ribs hurt)


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks MM, thanks for the concurrence. You know, the world may not be ready for intervention but if we don't do something soon, Arab North Africa could be ramping up Armageddon and many lives in addition to their indigenous populous will die at the hands of such radicals. We had better take the blinders off and fix the problem now or soon; it may be too late.


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