The Squamata Report: The Gaza Strip

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Gaza Strip

Today the world witnessed one of the most important events in World history. We watched as the Israeli government, with full support from the US, sent it's military to peacefully remove the last remaining settlers from the Gaza Strip. I will forever remember the images of the innocent civilians being carried from their homes and places of worship; crying, begging, and some fighting back. The faces of the soldiers were heavy with grief and soaked with tears that revealed their true feelings.

In order to understand how this conflict effects America and Western Society, we must first understand that we share the plight of Israel. As a Christian society we are bound by God to defend Israel. The Bible says that we will be blessed if we support Israel, and cursed if we do not!
Genesis 12:1 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee:4 and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
The Bible makes it very clear that Israel will be the starting point for Armageddon. The current 'War on Terror' is the surfactant that will insure world wide calamity.That is, unless the Pull out from Gaza is strategic. Why else would Israel relinquish Gaza to these Arab Terrorists? Could it be that we (Israel and it's allies) are baiting the Palestinian Terrorists into a trap? In the
Israeli Insider, Author Hillel Thalman wrote, "Could the belief in Armageddon become a self-fulfilling prophecy? Whether it involves a religious vision or only a political and military tactic, the arrangement currently underway looks oddly like a trap for terrorists in which Israel plays the role of bait."
This theory is predicated on the assumption that Israel, America and Allies, who are weary of the Guerrilla tactics of the Arab/Palestinian terrorists, using the template of Fallujah, realize that if the Terrorists have a place they feel comfortable and secure in, they will flow in by the millions. By condensing them, they become a more vulnerable, stationary target.

I pray that this is the case and that Bush and Sharon have not naively placed trust the tenants of the
Oslo Accords. If they have bought into the belief that this will cause anything less that an increase of Terrorist attacks, they are misguided and could possibly cause world wide pestilence. History proves that Islam will not rest until Israel is no more! They want to own all of Israel and keep Jerusalem as their capitol. They will not stop until every Jew and Christian is dead! If the plan is to bait them into a trap, I support the pull out (even though my heart aches for the ousted settlers). But, if this is a move towards appeasement, I do not think I can support Sharon or Bush any longer. If the world is a powder keg and it's explosion is Armageddon, the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip (as an appeasement move) is the match that lit the fuse!

If you are not a misguided Liberal who revels in the destruction of Israel, I call on you to pray without ceasing, that what was done today does not backfire and give the upperhand to these savages that call themselves 'Palestinians'.

If you are not a History buff and you are not familiar with this conflict, visit the vast knowledge base at
Wikipedia and learn what has led us to this horror-filled day. Read the Holy Bible and educate yourself as much as you can. Regardless of your religious beliefs, and regardless of your refusal to believe in God, what happened today will soon effect us all.

Read about:
UN Security Council Resolution 242, Six-Day War and The Suez Crisis


Blogger Unknown said...

Amen Mama, I know that if anyone realizes the significance of this event, you most definately do. Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend.


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