The Squamata Report: One Nation Under God

Saturday, September 17, 2005

One Nation Under God

If you do not believe in God, you are still welcome to live here and be an American. Regardless of your background, race etc you are as American as anyone. But when your beliefs and your convictions take aim to change our foundation or destroy us, you become our enemy....
An enemy we will not tolerate!

There are many politically active people who think that America would be a better place if it had no ties to Jesus Christ and the one true God Jehovah. Many of these same people will tell you that God does not exist. In their mind we are being hijacked by Christian extremists who want to force their religion on the country and the world. However, We have always been here, it is these factions who are the hijackers. They believe that they must purge our public places of such Christian fundamentalists and protect their young from the indoctrination of Christ's church.

A recent cowardly anonymous commenter on my site used some of the same twisted thinking that is being used by anti-Christians as propaganda to rewrite history. Another misguided lady, named Vanessa, scolded me for calling the anonymous troll anti-American as well. The thing she doesn't understand is that to be Anti-Christian is to be anti-American. Christ is our foundation, it is his and our Heavenly father's love for this nation that has kept us safe and brought us this far. It is our love and adherence to his word that will keep us in the future.

We derive our strength from God and it is his teachings that have made us the lone superpower that we are today. So the primary target for those who wish America to be subjected to Communism is God. They target him by trying to remove him piece by piece from our Government and our public arena. This is documented thoroughly in
David Limbaugh's book, ' Persecution'. If you question the validity of a war waged on Christianity in America by Liberals, you must read this book.

The point I wish to address is the one posed by both Commenters on my prior post. They and most Liberals believe that America was founded by Deists and a melding pot of religions and agnostics. They would that you believe that as Liberals do today, the founding fathers also sought to protect America from Christianity. If they are successful in removing Christ from our society, we will be no longer a superpower, and all the good we accomplish globally will cease. Not only would Communists, Islamists and others obtain the reins to America, but the world! And to be Christian would be a death sentence. When you look at the middle East and see the atrocities, remember that were it not for us and our support for Israel, the world would mirror places like Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Iran and others. Democide would be world wide.

Mr. Anonymous said, " What is surprising is when fundamentalist Christians think the Founding Fathers' faith had anything to do with the Bible. Without exception, the faith of our Founding Fathers was deist, not theist." And he went on and on trying to convince us that America was not founded as a Christian nation and that the Holy Bible is an evil work of evil men.
"Among the most detestable villains in history, you could not find one worse than Moses. Here is an order, attributed to 'God' to butcher the boys, to massacre the mothers and to debauch and rape the daughters. I would not dare so dishonor my Creator's name by (attaching) it to this filthy book (the Bible)." Said the cowardly commenter.

He went on to twist facts and say, "Baptists have been taken over by a fundamentalist faction that insists authority comes from the Bible and that the individual must accept the interpretation of the Bible from a higher authority. These usurpers of the Baptist faith are those who insist they should meddle in the affairs of the government and it is they who insist the government should meddle in the beliefs of individuals."

The Baptist Church is one of many Christian strongholds in America being attacked by these Leftists. You missed one vital point Mr. Anonymous. The Baptist have always believed that the Bible is the word of God and authority comes from his word. Mr. Anonymous used multiple quotes to prove that America was never intended to be a Christian nation.
He said, "Ex-Judge Moore felt that keeping a monument of the 10 Commandments in a courthouse was appropriate because he felt it was the foundation of American law. He obviously never read the Constitution of the United States." No it is you sir who has never legitimately read the Constitution.

He says."...but America was founded as a Christian nation," many say. Not so. Most of the more famous Founding Fathers were, in fact, Deists. Just listen to their own words." This is another common lie. Of all 55 Founding fathers who signed the Declaration of Independence 52 were devout, orthodox Christians, the other three believed in the divine truth of the Bible.

Anonymous quoted many founding fathers in his attempt to convince us that our framers were against God and that it is some new wave of zealous Christians who seek to change history, and that our Government should be far removed from Christ's teachings. I would now like to give you some VALID quotes from some of these same framers that proves both points invalid.

(1776) Patrick Henry:" It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here." Hmm, doesn't sound too deist like to me. Perhaps it was Thomas Jefferson who was against Christianity in Government.

Thomas Jefferson
(who was also the chairman of the American Bible Society) said, " I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus. I have little doubt that our whole country will soon be rallied to the unity of our creator."

(1821) President Adams
said: " The highest glory of the American Revolution was this:It connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principals of Christianity".

James Madison the primary author of the Constitution said: "We have staked the whole future of all our political constitution upon the capacity of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principals of the Ten Commandments." Hmmm, I think that sinks the notion that Judge Roy Moore was unfamiliar with the Constitution.

The United States Congress, In 1782, voted for this resolution: " The Congress of the United States recommends and approves the Holy Bible for use in all schools".
Finally, of the first 108 universities founded in America, 106 were distinctly Christian. Even Harvard was chartered in 1636 as a Christian institution.

If you look at the religions of each nation in the world you find that their religions coincide with the ruling of their people by their government. The tenants of their religion dictates the amount of freedom each citizen enjoys. In Islamic nations where their religion teaches murder and orders conquer of all people and nations who are not Islamic (infidels), you notice that the governments seek to do the same. Their religion removes the rights of common citizens and promotes wealth in only the Royal families. Yet in a Christian nation such as America, the playing field is level and the government does not seek to favor one citizen over the other. Wealth is available to all who strive to gain it. The freedoms we have as American citizens come from God, who gave his creation the ultimate freedom and left the choice to worship him to us. If the Leftists are able to remove God from American society and government, we will be susceptible in our weakness to other hostile forms of religion that would strip us of our freedoms and independence.

Lastly I would like to make a point that was hammered by my friends and me in the comment section of the previous post
Penumbra of Emanation). When the First Amendment says that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." it seeks to protect the right of American citizens to exercise their religion without the threat of the Government making laws to prohibit or control it. When the Supreme Court ruled in 1962 that American schools cannot continue to hold prayer at the start of the day, and said that school initiated (optional) prayer was unconstitutional, they were violating the First Amendment by using a misinterpretation of the very law that protected the exercise, to prohibit it.

If America continues to remove references to God from our text books, Pledge, Government, public square, and Court Rooms, we will soon see an America that deems Christian acts to be illegal and the Bible as hate speech. Soon, America will no longer be a threat to those who seek to rule the world, and America will be theirs, not ours!


Blogger Salena Moffat said...

I need a hug! :) Badly! I have been told I "hate" some liberal friends of mine because of my poilitcal views. After 3 years of friendship, they now, thanks to my blog, think I hate "their kind." I needed this like, to use a cliche, I needed another hole in my head...And now I'm whining :`(

I love the new lead graphic, by the way, awesome!

And keep up the good work, Ken. The fight is winnable.

Blogger Unknown said...

Ok, I come home from work and there are loads of comments here using 2500 words plus in each comment. Every one was written by a fictitiously named writer. The names are not the only things phony about the authors of these comments, so is the data they use to make their points and the argument can be answered very easily and in only two sentences. I will not try to lose the audience by engaging in these long drawn out comments on theology. Here is my answer to you. "There is only ONE true God, his name is Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ is the savior for once and for all. America was founded on Biblical principals and any feeble attempt to decent is like debating the blueness of the sky!"

Blogger Unknown said...

Vanessa, I believe the anonymous commenter are creations of yours. They were created to back up your silly arguments. You have only succeeded in fooling yourself. Thanks for providing fodder for the post though, I will be praying for you, even if it makes you mad.

Because you wasted so much space trying to convince people of a lie. I have deleted all of your laborious comments above. If you have a legitimate argument, present it, do not try to filibuster, I don't allow that here.

Blogger Unknown said...

Salena, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. Hopefully the comment I left at your site will help you understand how I feel about it. God bless you. All will work out for the best. God knows your heart and he knows your friend's heart too.

Blogger Unknown said...

How prophetic of you Sir Eric. You are right. You can kick against them, but sometimes it is less injurious to you if you leave them be, or if they impede your progression, yank 'em up by the roots!
That last comment was not meant as a physical threat. We can use the truth to weed 'em out more permanently.


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