The Squamata Report: Saddam's October 18th trial may be postponed

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Saddam's October 18th trial may be postponed

Saddam will hang despite proposed adjournment

صدام حسين عبد المجيد التكريتي

In four hours, Saddam Hussein will be on his way to court. His lawyers are sure to try every trick and end-run play that they can fit in their play book. Their first trick will come before the proceedings begin. Saddam's lawyer, Khalil al-Dulaimi, will ask that the court grant them a 3 month adjournment. It is highly likely that the Judge will grant the postponement. It is a simple delay tactic that will only postpone the inevitable. Saddam will be found guilty and if there is any justice in the world, he will pay the ultimate price for the atrocities he perpetrated on the people of Iraq. He will likely not pay for the crimes he committed when he joined with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Bin Ladden's buddy Abu Zubaydah to use the oil for food money to fund training cells and stockpile weapons. Although he was as intrical a part of 911, the bombing of the Alfred E Morrah building, and other bombings around the globe as the actual perpetrators, he will not face prosecution for those acts.

As much as I would like to see him charged formally in these acts, I am happy to know that the million-plus people in mass graves, the murdered opposition from the Shiite village of Dujail, the 185,000+ Kurdish murdered and more will see him pay with his life for the crimes he committed against them.

If he is found guilty in this first trial (the Dujail case) and sentenced to death. The law states that the sentence must be carried out within 30 days. The Iraqi Prime minister,Ibrahim al-Jaafari, said that he doesn't care much about the other trials, he and the people of Iraq want this to all be over with as quickly as possible so that they can move on with the new Iraq."We are not trying to land on the moon here," he said Monday. "It's enough (to try Saddam) on Dujail and Anfal. The tribunal is just and open, he has a defense lawyer and the verdict will match the crime." He says that a lengthy trial will just make it harder on the victims and their families. "What do we say to the people of Dujail who saw Saddam's aircraft burn their orchards and kill people?" he said. "This is unacceptable and I don't want to intervene in judicial proceedings, but why do we say now that more time is needed?"

The apprehension and anxiety he feels is well founded, but it is important that Saddam's crimes be laid out in courts of law for all the world to see. It is just as important for the people of Halabja to see justice for the crimes carried out against them as it is for the people of Dujail. We did not get the opportunity to see Hitler and Joseph Mengela stand trial for their crimes, but if they had, I would hope that the tribunals would be lengthy and encompass as many charges as possible. I am elated to know that Saddam will have to answer for the majority of his horrific acts.

He will be joined in the Dujail trial by seven other men from his regime. If found guilty, the Iraqi law says he will be hanged. If you think pictures and video of the Saddam statue falling were everywhere, can you imagine what we will see next year? I am sure it will be the most viewed hanging in world history.

The Liberal left and the Muslim extremists have already been wailing at the top of their lungs about the illegitimacy of these trials. The
AP quoted a man they say is a 'Poor Shiite from Basra' as saying,"How can Saddam get a fair trial when there's no government in Iraq? How can they try him?" another man they quoted said that more Shiites are being killed by suicide bombers now than under Hussein. It is the stance of the Left and the coolaide drinking minority in Iraq that America has no right to be there and no right to try Saddam.

If it were left up to these halfwits, we would still be in the Cold war, we would never have destroyed the Third Reich, and Saddam would still be murdering his own people while supporting attacks on sovereign nations like Israel and America! Do not be swayed by the warped minds of Saddam's supporters. They will cry foul throughout the trials. Pay them no mind. Justice MUST be done! Instead, pay close attention to who in the American media and politics sides with Saddam. Mark in your mind, the names of those who oppose America and side with a tyrannical murderer. It will come in handy when election time rolls around again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on, guys, I think we are in the same boat here (finally).
Sadam's a jerk, but I'm in total agreement with Mama.
He shouldn't be hanged. He should be kept in a 4' by 4' cell and left to rot for the rest of his stupid little insignificant life.
(Maybe have the occational CNN news correspondance with op ed pieces about how crappy Iraq is now without him from his little tiny cell. Now that would be funny.)


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