The Squamata Report: <strong>The American Liberal's war against Christianity</strong>

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The American Liberal's war against Christianity

A Liberal friend of mine named David eagerly awaits my response to a challenge he issued in one of his emails to me. This challenge is that I show any instance where a Liberal or Liberals in general are waging a war on Christianity. He does not believe that there is such a thing as a war on Christianity by Liberals. I say there most definitely is, and the ' truth' is as apparent to the objective observer as the air we breathe.

In establishing the premise for the argument, I must answer the skeptics' number one assertion; that America was founded on secular principals (or the lack thereof) and therefore it is Christians who are on the offensive, trying to rewrite history, and change America into a theocracy. I could employ reason and rationale tactics to persuade you, but I have a better idea, let's look at true American history and see if it was founded by Anti Christian Secularists or morality driven Christians. With true history as my platform, I will demonstrate some of the evidence that this concerted effort against morality and Christianity does exist!

~Christian beginnings in America~

Unlike the failed colonization of Sir Walter Raleigh and the lost colony of 1584.The earliest Americans were exiled to this land. They were fleeing both persecution and prosecution for their religious convictions. They sought a place where they would, ultimately, have religious freedom. Most were in agreement on two basic fundamental beliefs. As a people, they had a Biblical world view, and as a society, they still depended on the most powerful nation on Earth to be their protectors and their life line. Despite the constant humiliation and abuse at the hands of the British Empire, most early New England settlers were more than a little skeptical of the radical notion of breaking away from England. Most foresaw their own massacre at the hands of the oppressive iron fists of King James I & King George. If they did not starve, they would surely be hunted down and extinguished by this, the planet's greatest military to date.

Capt.Christopher Newport and his group of 104 settlers, sent by the Virginia Company of London, landed in the New World on April 16th 1607. They eventually named the Chesapeake Bay settlement, James Town. These Virginia Beach settlers went straight to the task of setting up a permanent camp. Immediately they claimed the colony to be God's, and while on bended knee, dedicated the new land to Jesus Christ!

One of Newport's men, George Percy, captured that historic and pertinent dedication in his journal. It reads. "The nine and twentieth day we set up a Cross at Chesupioc Bay, and named the place Cape Henry." Captain John Smith continued to describe the scene, " When I first went to Virginia, I well remember we did hang an Awning to three or four trees to shadow us from the sun. Our walls were rails of wood, our seats unhewn trees till we cut planks, our pulpit a bar of wood nailed to two neighboring trees." You see, prayer and worship of God was an inestimable part of American life from the very first hours.

" All experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." Thomas Jefferson

The ever so disciplined settlers spent more than a century in a human rights nightmare. They were now ruled by an even more twisted version of British law than before! The British Empire had quartered their troops in the peoples' homes and the taxation of the colonies was the most harsh and severe tax burden Englishmen had ever known. Yet they were as Jefferson said, deposed to suffer evils while they were sufferable. They were determined to remain respectable subjects to the throne of England. It had become a foolish pride, one that consoled them enough to keep them toiling through life, day after day.
Yet, as the treatment of the people became more and more egregious, small pockets of dissenting & defiant colonists, began to grow and merge.

~Lex Rex~

When the first Americans left for the new land, they were leaving behind their homes and their familiar lives for a place of uncertainty. They embarked on this arduous journey, not to find fortune and fame, but for religious freedom and escape from an ever powerful government. They were Separatists, Baptists, Lutheran, Congregationalists and Quakers. Yet no matter what they believed, they agreed that government should be at the behest of the people and one of it's primary functions should be to protect the rights of individuals to openly express and profess their faith. For a growing many, such liberty was sacred and worth dying for. Men like John Locke and publications like 'Rex Lex', by Samuel Rutherford helped to foster a sense of pride in the idea of protecting rights of " life, liberty and property". In 1643 the New England Confederation Constitution stated that the aim of the colonists was, " To advance the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to enjoy the liberties of the Gospel thereof in purities and peace". Soon history tells all the gritty stories about our forefathers and the revolutionary war. It reveals the lives and heroic deeds of men like Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, James Madison, Ben Franklin and George Mason. On July 2nd 1776, the colonists declared their new nation to be independent, and that they were to be absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown! In this declaration, certain fundamental rights were evoked, rights that were stated plainly in, ' The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America', and the US Constitution.

In our Constitution we find twenty-seven Amendments, of them, the authors saw it fit to address the most important issue first! The first amendment to the Constitution reads, " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;..." Note that the clear intention is to protect our rights to worship and to speak freely, without government regulation. Yet the common misconception among ' the great unwashed', is that the government is to be totally separate of the church. The Supreme Court coined the phrase 'Separation of Church and State' in a 1947 ruling hoping to mislead the public into believing that the Constitution prohibits any presence of religion, especially Christian, in public and government places. Despite the fact that Christian men formed the government to serve a largely Christian Puritan populous. Who are these great unwashed I speak of? They once called themselves Progressives. They formed a short lived party primarily to support Teddy Roosevelt in his run against Taft. Left to their own devices and the 'Women's Trade Union League' (formed after Chicago's Triangle bldg fire), the progressive party became a haven for disgruntled Communists, Socialists and the extreme Left. The party did not survive, but the Progressive movement never died. In their quest to build a government that is fully involved in every aspect of it's citizen's lives, they have systematically attacked every basic fundamental right of Christian Americans. The Liberal elite 'Progressives', once claimed that God's will was their agenda. They used the name of Christ to back many endeavors. Soon, however, their total disdain for God and inability to gain power in a Christian society, forced them to use the Supreme Court to attack fundamental human rights. However, these bold tactics have driven them out into the light. Now that they are uncloaked, we must by democratic means rescue our Republic from their clutches.

Ahead, I will try to unravel more of the convolutions so as to reveal even more of this war on Christianity.

No Place like Home

So now we know that America has a Christian foundation and doesn't owe it's existance to atheists or Humanists. Does this mean that we are no different than the theocracy that our founders fled? No. Here is the difference. Our Rebublic was established to ensure religious freedom and Liberty while drawing on the wisdom of God to establish justice. No where else on the planet can you find such a place. It was the upholding of Christian values and free market trade and commerce that brought about change in America and the world throughout history. We abolished slavery with the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865, just 89 years after we declared our independence from England. How many secular, non-Democratic Countries have accomplished as much in the thousands of years they have existed?
We passed the 19th Amendment allowing women to vote in 1920. That was 86 years ago. Since then (despite the lies told by the Feminist hoard) women and all minorities have made great strides toward equality in comparison to all other nations. The difference between Liberty & Freedom and oppression, depression, genocide, and democide is that none of those countries put the power of governance in the hands of the citizens. Government rules them, yet we rule our government. That is, as long as the Liberals fail in their attempt to destroy our Republic, using the Judicial system as a weapon.

The Supreme Court: Liberals' God
Secularist Liberals claim they have no religion. I disagree, their anti-religion is the driving force in their lives. To quote a great pundit, "The left is looking at that court as God and church and sanctuary with abortion as the sacrament" He is exactly right. The Leftists in America have used the Supreme Court to attack our reigious freedoms and erode the very God given liberties protected by the Constitution. They have cheated the balance of power and usurped the literal meaning of the Constitution. They claim that the Constitution is a living document, thereby nullifying it's authority and adjusting law to support their ideological beliefs, and we all know what those beliefs are.

They want freedom from religion and not freedom of religion. It's just like the people who are always offended or hurt when someone mentions Christ or prays in public. "How dare those hatemongers bring a Bible to school! Why, my little girl might hear that nonsense and we'll have a full fledged believer in our family, I can't have that." They want freedom of speech, just not our speech. You can put a crucifix in a jar of urine and call it "Piss Christ" and get a grant from the National endowment of the arts. But in the name of 'Seperation of Church and State' we can't allow a nativity scene in the public's view. Liberals say we are a hate filled people, selfish and predjudiced. But I didn't see Christians (true Christians) protesting or rioting and burning buildings because of the excrement on the Virgin Mary statue or the crucifix in urine. We expressed our disgust and moved on with our lives. Yet a handful of Polish cartoons that were published four months prior sets off world wide protests and riot attacks. Yet Liberals defend radical Islam when it is attacking and persecuting Christians and America.

They have used the Supreme Court to promote their agenda in thousands of cases. In Roe v Wade they sited a penumbra of an emanation of the Bill of rights and decided that even though there was no right to privacy enumerated, there certainly was an implied one. That phantom right was the basis on which they flouted the Tenth Amendment by removing the ability of the States to decide the issues closest to the people. The issue of abortion was handled as a states rights issue and should have been decided by the Supreme Court that way. Instead of admiting that the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution trumps in this case, they searched desperately to find evidence in the shadow of the text that supported their oppinion. Even the most confused and simple among us can easily see that Roe v Wade is not only counter to majority oppinion and morally wrong but it is bad law!

Economically speaking

Socialism is at war with free trade and it's followers are the same people who drive the Democratic party. A vast swell of liberal professors and high school teachers have caught on to Socialism as if it is the newest fad. In a free market society the people conduct themselves according to the tenets of Christianity. Free market societies put in place rules that you should not steal or covet. It persuades you to strive to obtain things on your own and if you want something your neighbor has, like nowhere else on Earth you have an opportunity to strive toward that goal. In a socialist society you don't own anything not even your life. Your government, that controls all aspects of your life, takes your things from you and gives you what they deem necessary. Why do you think Conservatives are so upset about the (Eminent Domain) Kelo vs New London case? It is just one small step towards a more Socialist society.

You know the old saying that a man cannot create, only God can create. It is not true and God in his infinite wisdom knew that we could create; we can create our own lives. If he were to dictate our every move he would have created robots. Instead he gave us the greatest gift a living being could hope for. He gave us free will. With free will we have the ability to build a house or live in a tent. We have the ability to sin or not sin. We have the ability to love or not love. We have the ability to trust in him and we have the ability to hate him. With this kind of decision making, man and no other creature can create a life of his choosing. Free markets follow that line of thinking when it promotes freedom and it allows for things like lobbyist groups and unions. They are in place and allowed simply to insure a stable market and provide fair treatment of the people. A Democracy like ours makes every attempt to give ultimate power not to Government and not to the Church. It puts power and freedom in the hands of the people. This gives you freedoms that you could never enjoy in Socialist, Communist and Liberal dominated nations around the world.

When you have the ability to own property and personal possessions, you are free to live to your hearts desire. In a society ruled by socialists, you do not have that freedom. Liberalism lies to you and tries to convince you that it is best for you in the long run, if you allow them to evenly distribute the nation's wealth. From each according to their means and to each according to their needs. That is the tenet of the Socialists who want power. A level playing field is their stated goal. Under their plan there is no need for affirmative action or innovative thinking, because no man will have more than the other. Socialist health care proposals are like that too. It is so appealing to the under informed because it promises free health care for everyone. However, we have seen the utter failure it has caused in other countries. It would create a health care crisis that would crush our economy. Which is another goal of the Socialist, in that a devastated America could be persuaded financially to weaken itself as a world super power. Therefore allowing for a merging of a one world government. If you are a true Christian you know that God warned us about that long ago.

Knowing these things, I cannot imagine a correct thinking Christian could be persuaded to support a political group or ideology that has as it's ultimate goal rooted in oppression and world domination. Especially when they live in a country where 'NO ONE' can honestly claim that he is oppressed!
(My condolences to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, I know the presentation of that fact so greatly threatens your careers.)

Kids First
Libs know that if they have any chance of achieving their ultimate goal (Ultimate Governmental control) they can't just come right out and say, " I want to be your God and master, give me all authority and I will see to your needs". They would be chased out of town. Instead they remove our ability to combat them one step at a time. Therefore their systematic and incremental attacks on Christians are voluminous.

Public School

If you are going to train a society to adopt your agenda, you have to start young. Liberal Humanists want to remove everything Christian from our society and substitute them with Secularism. They use our schools and universities to promote this agenda. They are accomplishing this by excluding Creationism and promoting evolution and every other opposing world view. They claim to be all about preserving choice, but that's only when talking about the legalization of drugs and killing the unborn. When it comes to matters of theology however, they have used the courts to exclude Creationism. Sounds more like suppression of free speech to me. How about you?
I say evolution is a flawed theory in crisis and these Leftists are simply afraid of the outcome when children are allowed the choice between it and the intelligent Design Theory. It flies in the face of their agenda, which is the Secularist/ Humanist indoctrination of America's youth.

Charles F. Potter revealed this in his book, 'Humanism: A New Religion', when he said, "Education is thus a most powerful ally of Humanism, and every American public school is a school of Humanism. What can the theistic Sunday-schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?"

You would not believe the number of high school and grade school kids I have spoken to that believe it is illegal to mention Christ in school, to pray in school, to bring a Bible to school or to tell someone about Christ while on school property. I just tell them that if they do any of those things and get in trouble for it, all they need do is contact

One thing Leftists are going to have to realize is that they have yet to win the war. Nowhere in the Constitution does it restrict religious expression, Prayer or Evangelism to behind closed home or church doors! We have an expressed and enumerated right to religious freedom and that freedom does not have to be checked at the school house or Public place steps. Yet it is the common misconception among Parents, Students, and Teachers that religious freedom is suspended at school. You cannot blame them though, what with all the virulence in the media and courts.

The Battle Rages
The worst is not relegated to mis-information and scare tactics. No the worst is the true bloodbath that is going on in our Nation's highest courts as we speak.
Here are just a few of the millions of examples of the attacks on Christianity. Most are perpetrated by use of liberal courts.

On Dec. 20th 2005 a Federal District Judge in Overland Park, Kansas ignored the arguments that to ban the teaching of intelligent Design in the classroom would violate the First Amendment and ruled to ban the teaching of intelligent Design anyway.

June 19th 1987 The Supreme Court ruled on the Edwards vs Aguillard case which struck down Louisiana's "Balanced treatment Act". Finding that to say, as the Act does, "No school is required to teach evolution or creation science. If either is taught, however, the other must also be taught." is in violation of the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment. (How ironic, since it is their very ruling that more overtly violates their warped interpretation of the Establishment Clause)

In the 1993 Lukumi Babalu Aye case the Supreme Court lavished grand definitions of it's view regarding Establishment Clause cases. All to support their decision to preserve the rights of members of the Santeria religion to sacrifice live animals in plain view of fellow Hialeah, Fla. Residents. Yet in the 2003 Locke v Davey case, Washington State University had a scholarship program that allowed gifted kids to pursue any major, but excluded a degree in devotional Theology. The court held that there was "enough play in the joints" between the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause to allow Washington to make such exclusions. Justices Scalia and Thomas dissented citing that the decision was in direct violation of the principals laid out in the Lukumi Babalu Aye finding.

Due to a need to edit the length of this post, I have left you with three obscure examples of court rulings that erode Christian values and rights. I could allow this post to go on for 100 thousand words and it would still have only scratched the surface of even the Supreme Court rulings against Christianity. So if you still need more proof that America was founded and developed according to Judeo Christian values. That Liberalism is Communism via Democracy. That the Courts are promoting the Liberal agenda or that our Democracy is and deserves to be superior to every other nation because of our freedom. That free nations around the world flourish and their people enjoy the ability to achieve personal wealth and happiness all the while people of socialized or Communist nations live under the thumb of their rulers and in poverty. If you must have more proof... Investigate on your own, just be careful who you trust. Search and read about Michael Newdow, the Roe v Wade issue etc. The challenge to show how Liberalism is at war with Christianity is a daunting one. Not because it is hard to find proof, but rather because the proof is so abundant it requires that you nearly write a full length novel to scratch the surface.Speaking of full length books, here are some you should definitly read.



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