The Squamata Report: My First Audio Blog

Monday, June 26, 2006

My First Audio Blog

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Welcome to the Squamata Report.
This is my first audio blog please be can only get better.
For those who are not familiar with me, I have been hammering out posts on a blog called the Squamata Report for three years, it's TIME now to set my voice to the task of revealing the snakes in American politics!

As for my first installment.......... it's called-

Liberals blame you America, not the terrorists!

As a Christian Conservative I concider Liberalism to be the single greatest threat to America's culture and it's security.
The ever capacious threat of liberalism is illimitable in it's capacity to persuade it's adherants to blindly follow a doctrine of self prosecutorial solutions. When it comes to the environment the Left says Americans and all of Capitolist western society is to blame for every slight change. No credence can be asigned to the fact that climate changes are ciprical and that third world countries we are suppose to model ourselves after actually cause more harm to the environment than the economically flourishing western cultures.

Their economic solutions require that you feel ashamed of your own success. because it is YOUR fault others have failed or never tried. So you must give more and more of your hard earned money, to support those who don't want to work.
Now don't get me wrong, I believe it is our resposability to see to it that people who can't work, due to a legitimate phisical or mental impediment, are taken care of.
But that's not good enough for the liberal always wrongs. No............ they want to PUNISH the wealthy, penalize success and reward selfish, slothfull and deviant behavior. They seek to suppress the Christian faith while similtainiously bolstering anti Christian doctrine.

To a good Liberal there is never a reason to go to war. If evil men hate America it MUST be because WE have done something to deserve it.
It's America who should change, not the terrorists. It's our fault they hate us.

It's our fault if a terrorist is killed, and it's our fault if an american soldier is killed. No blame is pinned on terrorists or corrupt leaders of Communist or Dictitorial countries when they kill innocent people, yet if there is ever a stray bullett from our guns, our soldiers are impugned, shackeled and convicted in the mainstreem media........ all before any of the facts are known.

My question is, how can you subscribe to Liberal philosophies and stand against everything America symbolises and still claim to be patriotic. If you truely search your heart and I don't mean by listening to the shrill voices of Sheehan and Moore, But if you take an honest assessment of where you stand on the important issues of the day and still define yourself as a Liberal, you should lift the veil, cast off the fascade and stop trying to tell me you love this country. Come to terms with your feelings, don't be ashamed of who you are, although it's your nature to do so, stand up and say in your best metro sexual voice, " I hate America, and everyone who lives there." I mean it, be honest.

Now don't give me that cry baby crap about how Liberals don't hate the people of America. Because , well for example, your recently crowned queen for the moment, Cindy Sheehan made it clear that all of us are to blame when she wrote this on Michael Moore's blog, " I often have to ask myself why we, as Americans, so blindly follow our leaders down this path of violent destruction, and it has always been so. From the genocide and virtual extinction of our native population to dehumanizing black people so that they could be used as human chattel and still be oppressed, even today, to still be the only so-called "civilized nation" that executes people. Why do we allow our leaders to kill and oppress people in our names? Is it so we won't have to look at our own destructive behavior? "

Now she is not pointing the finger solely at a particular American leader, she is condemning the people of America and her history. And she is lying when she accuses america of genocide and and virtual exttinction of Native Ameicans. When we settled here we did not set out to murder innocent natives. Many.... no MOST native americans ascimilated into our culture. They saw the advanced lifestyle of of our ancestors and egerly melded into our society. The renogade indian tribes and lone outlaws sought to drive us off the land and stop the progression of American society by using terror tactics and brutally murdering innocent civilians. Those who fought us in the mexican and indian wars were not murdered or victims of genocide. they were defeated in battle and contrary to liberal philosophy, to the victor, not the loser, go the spoils!

Join me next time as I discuss the advancement of a liberal agenda promoting the devaluation our children.
If you have comments on this or any subject please write to me at If you keep it concise and on topic, I may chose to address your email on the next show until then, keep a close eye on where you step........... snakes are thick out there in America's field of politics.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, HEY! You spelled "America" with a lower case "a"! You must hate America!
Seriously though, could you give the woman a break? She lost her son in a war that is not only untimely, but wrong.
She asks ONE question of her government, turns to her leader with ONE inquiry;
"For what reason did my son die?"
Now you tell me, Ken, why did we attack Iraq?
Give me one good reason, and I'll shut up about it for good.


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