The Squamata Report

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

By now you know that the Democrats have taken over the House of Representatives. They may very well take over the Senate too.
So what does this mean? Well most Democrats are going to say it means that America is fed up with Bush. They'll say it is a plebiscite on Conservative values. They will swear this means that we were wrong to go to war in Iraq and that America has spoken out in one loud voice, with Cindy Sheehan as their leader, " Bring our troops home and let Iraq fight it's own battle!"

Since South Dakota has defeated a referendum to define marriage as between a man and a woman and most ballot initiatives to raise the minimum wage have passed, America is proving to be a Liberal nation. The momentum this election will give Liberals will embolden them to attack Judeo-Christian values even more vehemently.

These new leaders of ours will gloat and brag for a while and assuredly begin flexing their muscles when the first bill is put up for vote. Nancy Pelosi has promised to raise the minimum wage to $7.25 before the first 100 hours of her rein is up. She also says that she will raise taxes and supersize funding for stemcell research.

So why is a higher min. wage a bad thing?

I am concerned about our future!
It's simple, raising the minimum wage will devastate our economy. We have recently reached what Democrats have termed in the past ' FULL EMPLOYMENT' 4.4% Unemployment! Our economy is running so strongly it cannot be out done! The GDP and other economic indicators show that we have a stronger economy than we did on average in the '60s, '70s, '80s, and the '90s! When businesses are forced to pay more, as much as $2.00 more in some cases, for low or entry level employees they will have to cut their work force to break even. This cut in productivity will likely send us into a deep recession! Killing the strong economy Bush's tax cuts help build. Sure in a few years the economy will even out again and catch back up, if we're lucky. But in the mean time we will have to leave Iraq because the funding if not blocked by Congress will dry up.

When San Francisco Liberal Speaker Pelosi and her merry band of Socialist freaks block our next Supreme Court nomination, which will come soon because 86 year old Justice John Paul Stevens, by far the most Liberal Justice in many years is very ill, we will not see him replaced with a Conservative. The Democrats have already promised that. So our fight to secure Christian/Conservative values will be lost.

As Pelosi said, they will maximize funding for stem cell research. Don't be fooled by the omission, she means embryonic stem cell research. Farming babies to slaughter them in hopes to find cures for diseases already found to be promising in adult stem cell research. Not a single cure has been even remotely found using the stem cells of murdered babies yet they keep pushing for more. Besides, they want you to think evil Conservatives have blocked all embryonic stem cell research. This is a lie. There has been and will continue to be plenty of children killed in the name of this evil science, it is just not paid for by you and I. You see they want Conservative Christians who abhor the practice to not only pay for these morally perverted acts but they want to make us pay even more.

The new Congress will now have NO chance of stopping Planned Parenthood's scheme to make you and I pay for their mass murder of the yet to be born. That's right, last year you and I paid Planned Parenthood more than 265 Million dollars or (1.5 Billion over the last few years) of our tax money so they could fight in court the very government who outlawed partial birth abortion at our behest. They used that money to free up funds for centers that carried out more than 300,000 abortions last year! Yes you and I not only paid to have babies murdered but now we will be forced to pay even more to fund greater numbers in the future!
They get money from Congress, then turn around and file a law suit against Congress because Congress (the Republican Congress) passed a ban on partial birth abortion. They can't use our tax dollars to fund these abortions, so they use our money to fight us in court and that frees up the rest of their money to fund their abortion business. Senator Vitter has proposed a bill (Senate 2206) that states simply that Federal money appropriated under Title 10 cannot be distributed to grantees who perform abortions or whose subgrantees perform abortions. Yet now that the Democrats have a majority, this bill that would defund Planned Parenthood's practice will have NO CHANCE!

When America gave the reins over to the Democrats they signed a death warrant for many of our loved ones fighting in Iraq. When they are sent home without completing their mission those who died or were wounded will have suffered and died for nothing!

When Democrats force us out and the Iranian backed Sunnis take over the country and slaughter the innocent Shiite people there, those who fought and died to prevent that will have done so in vain!

Do not believe for one second that this election will not have dire consequences. America made the decision today to put Liberal Democrats in charge of these decisions. When we did we handed over our arms and dropped our defenses. We are now all but defenseless as Christians and Jewish Americans. I am very disappointed and very ashamed of this outcome. we need to pray for America now more than ever!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's up all you republican sore losers!

Blogger Unknown said...

That was very insightful Dave. Thanks for contributing. We have all learned a lot from what you said.
Please come and share your wisdom with us again....real soon.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its really scary how Liberal the US has become and now it will be worse, just like you said. God will have to step in and help us out who stand for His ways, so we certainly do need to pray for our country and our leaders. He is still in control and that is a comfort, but He won't force His ways on us, and I'm afraid of what is going to happen morally to our nation. We will have to stand up and be heard when we can.

Anonymous Anonymous said...'re still very bitter about this, I know.
But in time your wounds will heal, and the national debt will finally start to go down (in 2087) and people will stop dying for no reason or "in vein" as you say.
I just had to gloat a little.
I do apologize about the timing, as it was innapropriate and immature.
Anyways, the dems dominated because the American people can plainly see all the corruption in the GOP, and they're just sick and tired of it.
This one wasn't close either, atleast I know in Ohio, where I voted, they were all LANDSLIDES.
Can't wait to see what happens in 2008.
Don't worry, you'll survive. Besides - won't this give you more material to whine about in your blogs? More dems to smear?
I would think that's a good thing for your posts.

Blogger Unknown said...

Check the post all mighty and powerful Lib. I did not misspell the word 'Vain'.
Also, the outcome of this election is due to the lies and propaganda spread successfully by a morally retarded mainstream media and a growing number of Liberal minded citizens who are losing touch with God and family.
Rural America, Middle America, REAL AMERICA understands these values. They overwhelmingly vote for Conservatives not snakes who seek to pull this nation apart and rebuild it on a foundation of Socialism. When a Conservative looks at America he wants to retain the convictions and values of our founding fathers. When a Liberal looks at America he seeks to reshape and twist it to resemble the decadent failed sink hole France! The faith based voters did not show up as they should have. They were demoralized and embarrassed because of the sneaky tactics of the left that painted them to be hypocrites and social pariahs. just remember my dear Leftist friend, there will come a day when evil will be purged from our land! Liberals who seek to remove God will be themselves removed. Christ's return will mean a permanent return to the values we hold dear! You may have won the battle but the ultimate victory will belong to Christ and his people!
By the way, Dave, I have a question for you. In 2000 Liberals said our voting system was corrupt and that the election was stolen. Recounts and law suits were all the rave. In 2004 it was the same story, Republicans stole the election and the voting machines were rigged. Leading up to this election Democrats flailed around like decapitated chickens claiming the machines were easily hacked into and the accusations of fraud were perched on their lips. Yet when the voting was over and the Liberals won, you could only hear the distant night songs of crickets. where are the Conservative lawsuits? Were are the massive lawsuits? Where are the screaming nutcases on every TV and Radio channel claiming the election was stolen? Are Liberals not capable of cheating, or could it be that Conservatives are simply of a different integrity and moral foundation?
we could point to the ACORN scandal. We could cry about voting machines being manufactured by Venezuela. We could point out that every Democrat especially Clinton have made noise about letting felons, illegals and others with NO form of ID vote. But we have taken the high road, we are licking our wounds but our resolve is not shaken. we will not give up the fight. So don't get comfortable Nancy you had better keep the engine in that moving van running. 2008 is not that far away.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Ken, I was the one who spelled 'vain' wrong. Sorry about that, it wasn't meant to entertain the notion that you are a bad speller, I simply made a mistake, and I wholly apologize.
How's that for integrity and moral foundation?
I'm sorry you lost this one, but when you say
"Also, the outcome of this election is due to the lies and propaganda spread successfully by a morally retarded mainstream media and a growing number of Liberal minded citizens who are losing touch with God and family."
Now you're telling me that my family and a few friends that I have in the military are retarded, after all they've sacrificed for you because you're a sore loser. That is not the moral integrity I think that you're trying to preach to me, sir. Shame on you.
Hmmmm, sounds like we've learned from all the neo-cons techniques, if you are in fact correct about that "propaganda".
Oooooh, now the republicans want to count votes? Go ahead and count them. We're not becoming more like them, they're becoming more like us. All of a sudden George Allen woke up this morning and said "I want to count votes."
In my opinion, we literally just saved our own country from the closest thing to fascism that America has ever seen, i.e. no over sight, no checks on executive and congressional power, etc.
The voting irregularities were STILL out of control, it's just that this time even republicans and moderates and independents voted democratic because they understand that this country is being over run by a bunch of power hungry Leo Straussian Neo cons that have coveted absolute power and world domination since Reagan was in office and the inception of the PNAC took place.
Even though the dems won, I STILL think we need to fix the way we vote in this country. Voter reform must be handled BEFORE the 2008 election.
NOW you say that the "real" America wasn't heard because of propaganda? I hope you can better understand our frustration with the voting system's corruption now that the tables are turned. But since the dems won by fast majority, huge, BIG landslides, pretty much 70/30 accross the board, which was not the case in 2000 or 2004.
That is why no one is screaming foul, that is why the crickets are chirping, that is why helicopters were not deployed, OKAY?
Republicans lost this one so obviously that it's laughable, so for you to even suggest that there was voter fraud,...well cry me a river.
Don't worry my friend, your Republican higher ups are already crying foul and pulling a Gore.
And I don't see anything wrong with counting votes on either side. In fact, I hope the DO recount the votes.
You see? That's REAL moral integrity. If you think we cheated then by all means call us on it, because America must be run by the people, and that is exactly what I think finally happened, and you can't stand that the people might just take back the country.
That seems un-American to me.
You must be part of the "blame America" crowd.

Blogger Mountain Mama said...

Hey Ken, Looks like you have one of those Trolliberal's again.
He sure brings up some good points for you to respond to, so the blog world can read for themselves just where some of the liberal's heads are connected. Your answers are educating all of us. Lib's and conservatives, Republican's and Democrat's too. Poor Dave. "None so blind as those who 'will' not see."
We used to have a neighbor boy who shot of his mouth all the time about things he didn't have a clue about. My daddy used to say to him, "Merle, shut your yap! You're talking through your lid again!"
Maybe someone needs to tell this to your troll.
Thanks for keeping us informed Ken. You are doing a teriffic job!

Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Mama,
Yeah I responded to David through email. He and I had a bit of falling out. We began dialog again and he changed the subject to whether Christ was a Liberal and America based on Christian morals. A topic he and I already spent a month debating last year. So I am hoping he will comment on the current topic.

Anonymous Anonymous said...



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