The Squamata Report: Compassionate Environmentalism

Monday, July 16, 2007

Compassionate Environmentalism

I would like to talk to you about how the environmental Leftists like Al Gore and countless others support a world wide ban on DDT. A defacto- world wide Ban was enacted in the seventies despite the EPA's own findings that the Chemical posed no threat to anything save the deadly mosquitoes. But now some have taken to fighting to keep some countries from using the product in benign interior applications, despite there being no affordable or equally effective alternative.

When I decided to write about this subject regarding the millions of malarial victims in underdeveloped countries, I first wanted to call it 'African Genocide', because that is exactly what the White House has recently begun to call it. If the prevalence of Malaria is genocide who are the perpetrators of it? Well at first thought one might say it is the fault of mosquitoes, huhh....sounds logical right? Well not quite!

The perps in this genocide are those very same Leftists here and abroad who seek to dismantle our economy, wreck our families, and enact population control all in the name of compassionate environmentalism.

See it all started back in the 60's when the use of DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane) had completely wiped out the Malaria epidemic in America, Canada and other nations. Many other countries especially in Africa could not sustain the cost of the program.

In Uganda for example, the trial treatment using DDT resulted in reducing Malaria by 98%. Yet investors realizing that a poor Uganda could not sustain a market...... turned their back on the program, leaving them unable to help themselves.

Some countries who could afford it, also began to use it on open fields, crops and swamp land. This broadcast and aerial treatment of DDT alarmed the burgeoning environmental movement, a faction just beginning to realize the power to legislate their own kind of morality.

When some of these future Gore followers set out to stop this terrible and barbaric slaughter of helpless bloodsuckers (no doubt there was a kinship there). One of their stormtroopers was Rachel Carson who wrote a book in 1962 titled, 'Silent Spring'.

The book claimed the chemical DDT, which was widely used to fight the mosquito-borne disease malaria, would eventually cause a world where no birds sing and where natural waterways would become rivers of death.

She was wrong, dead wrong! Her so called evidence was, as Al Gore says of Global Warming, coming in the near future. Well, it has been 45 years since the release of her biased doom and gloom propaganda publication, and we do not see the piles of dead birds or the flowing rivers of death due to the decades of prior DDT use.

We do, however, see millions of people dying of Malaria every year. More than ten Million people are diagnosed with Malaria in Uganda every year. An average of more than 100,000 Ugandans, men women and precious children succumb to the disease and die. The World Health Organization says that there are more deaths world wide from Malaria each year than the population of America...and that in Africa, someone (like the baby pictured)dies of Malaria every thirty seconds!

Yet the Compassionate Environmentalists ignore the undeniable disease, disability and death tolls that their anti-DDT policies have wreaked in Africa and other Malaria-endemic regions.

Even after the 'Silent Spring' uproar, extensive hearings on DDT before an EPA administrative law judge occurred during 1971-1972. The EPA hearing examiner, Judge Edmund Sweeney, concluded that “DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man .... DDT is not a mutagenic or teratogenic hazard to man .... The use of DDT under the regulations involved here does not have a deleterious effect on freshwater fish, wild birds or other wildlife.”

Overruling the EPA hearing examiner, EPA Administrator William Ruckelshaus banned DDT in 1972. Ruckelshaus never attended a single hour of the seven months of EPA hearings on DDT. His aides reported that he did not even read the transcript of the EPA hearings on DDT. Just like most of his brethren on the far left the EPA administrator did not care about the facts, all he and they were concerned about was forwarding their agenda.

If they were intellectually honest, leftists today would realize the terrible mistake Carson made and fight to fix what she and the Nixon administration broke. They would want to stop the needless slaughter. The fact that more people have died of malaria since Carson's book than died at the hands of Hitler, would make them so angry they would seek to make amends immediately. However, that has not been the case.

People like John Kerry praise Carson. He and his stunningly attractive wife wrote in their new book, "Her research was exact, her approach precise." and our favorite enviro-Viper Al Gore, who wrote the introduction to the 1994 reproduction of 'Silent Spring', said Carson inspired him to write his book 'Earth in the balance'. He continued to say of Carson, "She had checked and re- checked every paragraph in "Silent Spring," and the passing years have revealed that her warnings were, if anything, understated."

Understated! That's right, her warnings were understated! So where is the mountain of dead birds and the rivers flowing with death? I see none.... but where are the dead children and the parents who care for them? They are increased exponentially every day people continue to flap their lips and use pseudo-utilitarianism as an excuse to sit by and watch innocence die.

In a recent "Wall Street Journal" op-ed, entitled "Give us DDT," a must read!! the director general of Health Services for the Republic of Uganda made an impassioned plea to environmentalists in the U.S. to stop blocking DDT from getting to Uganda.

He said, quote, "After decades of exhausted scientific review, DDT has been shown to not only to be safe for humans and the environment, but also the single most effective anti-malarial agent ever invented. Environmental leaders must join the 21st century, acknowledge the mistake Carson made and balance the hypothetical risks of DDT with the real devastating consequences of malaria."

In a best-case scenario Rachel Carson may have hypothetically saved some birds, but the worse-case scenario came true and millions of people have died from a preventable disease! Sorry Ms. Carson, but I think I would prefer a few dead birds and hundreds of Millions of people alive, call me an evil denier but that's my take!

It seems to most people only common sense reveals the answer to this problem! Unfortunately, it would seem those on the environmental left have no common sense.
But I don't believe that to be the case. There is something even more nefarious here than just a lack of common sense or understanding.

I believe these people know exactly what they are doing. They know perfectly well that 2.2 Billion people are at risk of Malaria from mosquitoes every year.

They know that since I started talking to you more than four babies lost their battle with malaria! Yet it changes nothing for them.

They know Scientists who study malaria have shown through extensive research and field work that DDT can repel and prevent entry of as much as 95-97% of mosquitoes that would otherwise enter the house and potentially spread malaria.

They know that major scientists who studied the chemical in 1972 and since agree that DDT has NO documentable negative effect on People, plants or animals, yet they remain steadfast in their blockage of DDT.

They know that the most recent review by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences also admits that NO proof exists that DDT harms humans in ANYWAY! Yet they continue to lobby against it.

They Know that indoor residual spraying with DDT reduced malaria cases and deaths by nearly 75 percent in Zambia over a two-year period – and by over 80 percent in South Africa in just one year and that virtually no chemical is released into the environment.

These environmental totalitarians choose birds over little boys and girls, in a false dichotomy that requires the sacrifice of neither. They advocate for America and others to develop and distribute vaccines, bed nets and treatment drugs, plus the implementation of sanitation and other programs. But these half-measure interventions will likely take decades to work, if they ever do – all the while malaria will needlessly slaughter millions more people, who would live if their countries could acquire and deploy DDT and other pesticides.

Yet they continue lobbies to hamstring nations who, as part of the G8, just committed to do more in the fight against malaria.

Scientists have proven through tests I described earlier, that near complete eradication of Malaria can be achieved by just treating inside individual homes.
Yet Compassionate Environmentalists hold fast to their positions....... why?

So what are these dire risks Enviro-Nutburgers believe are posed by DDT? So far the only adverse affects claimed is that the egg shells of some Raptors are thinning. However they offer no scientific proof. That's right!!!!Even this one claim against DDT has not been conclusively demonstrated.

So why, if they are fully aware that their stance causes death in mass numbers do these people on the left continue to fight? If they now know that the risks to people, plants, animals and the environment is minimal and that the risks associated with non-DDT treatments result in human deaths, why don't they just give in and support non-harmful surface treatment of dwellings?

It's simple,
Because they know if they lose this fight they will forfeit some of their authority. Authority much needed in the fight to force Global Warming down our preverbal throats. Just like any totalitarian entity the enviro-Nazis only enjoy total control if their decisions are never challenged or overthrown.

So they say people like you and I are either ignorant of the true danger posed by DDT or we are in bed with pharmaceutical and Chemical companies.
The truth is that not only do these snakes seek to ban DDT for power reasons but many have other reasons.

I've spoken to you often about the Leftist agenda to enact population control, well this is just another example.
Soon after the EPA banned DDT in America, a UNSAID official said of those whom malaria would kill as a result of this ban, "Rather dead than alive and riotously reproducing."

You heard it correctly, the WHO, EPA and UNSAID's odiously Malthusian agenda is to stop killing mosquitoes and give the people nets. This way less mosquitoes die and population control becomes implementable.

I'm sorry my dear leftards, I would rather kill disease causing mosquitoes instead of babies!
That's just the way we close minded, uneducated, religious zealots think!


Blogger Mountain Mama said...

"Rather dead than alive and riotously reproducing."

This remark is an abomination!
I am glad you printed this story and the remark Ken. It helps us to see more clearly just what kind of people they are.
I remember the big ta-doo about DDT back in the 70's. At the time most of the public just believed what we were told, assuming that 'someone' knew best. HA!!
It will be interesting to see where this all goes.
So in essence, we send clothing and food to these precious people, so they can be dressed and eat while they die?
Lord have mercy!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to pose a concept to all you funky idealists out there.
What would you say to applying the 1% doctrine to the the possiblity of glbal warming? Your heros in the white house used it to justify attacking Iraq (by the way, they were wrong). And considering that global warming is potentially hundreds or thousands of times more dangerous and devastating than terrorist attacks, don't you think we should apply the same sort of philosophy in this instance?
I mean, what if Al Gore is right? 99% of our scientists say he is (he's already got a better chance of being right than anyone who said there were WMD in Iraq). So even if it does turn out to be false, don't you think its worth taking some precautionary, "pre-emptive" steps to avoid it?

You best bud,


Blogger Ed Darrell said...

I'm not sure where to start.

DDT is toxic to animals, including humans. While it can safely be used to kill insects, around humans, it's still a poison.

DDT is long-lived, and it breaks down into other long-live, still toxic compounds, like DDE and DDD.

All three of these substances are known animal carcinogens, and are suspected to cause cancer in humans.

DDT use was discontinued as part of the fight against malaria by several nations in Africa in the late 1960s because it had ceased being effective against the mosquitoes. Overuse of DDT on crops, like cotton, had caused mosquitoes to mutate to be immune to DDT. No ban on DDT ever caused any nation with malaria to stop using DDT. In fact, the international treaty that governs pesticide use now has a specific waiver for DDT to allow its use against mosquitoes, in malaria eradication campaigns.

And the remark is made up, too.

C'mon over to Millard Fillmore's Bathtub -- I have several posts on the hoaxes somebody gave you. You can check out the links and see for yourself. (

Blogger Unknown said...

Ed I appreciate your opinion and thank you for the invitation to your site. However the science does NOT say that DDT is linked to cancer and it is not responsible for the killing of wild life or fish. The hysteria over a perceived threat that led to the ban is unfounded and UNDOCUMENTED!
Yes, I know full well of the waiver programs, and they do not work because the defacto ban is not regulated or effected by the waiver.
The defacto ban that effects nations who themselves have not ban it, exists because nations like the USA and others in the EU donate millions of dollars to battle the mosquitoes, however NONE and I mean NONE of the monies are earmarked for pesticidal solutions! Even though they say they don't mine DDT being used in their country, we have made the decision for them. We give them ineffective nets and tell them to stay inside at night! That is insane.
DDT wiped out malaria nearly completely in Uganda during a trial run. Now, they are watching millions die. My primary point is this, if DDT worked (that is proven) and the non DDT approach of the Left has resulted in millions of deaths, are you not hypocritical to blame the chemical for hypothetical dangers to come, while in it's absence innocence are dying?

Blogger Ed Darrell said...

DDT is a known animal carcinogen. "Carcinogen" means "causes cancer." Denying that a known animal carcinogen is "linked to cancer" is an interesting exercise, but at best it's self-deceptive.

One of the uses for DDT which the Army asked to maintain was to use it to kill bats. DDT is particularly effective against bats. Fortunately, EPA stopped that use. Unfortunately, continued circulation of DDT and its daughter products in the environment pushed several bat species in the U.S. to the brink of extinction. They are coming back, fortunately. I say that's fortunate because bats eat the mosquitoes that carry disease.

But this chunk of history indicates that DDT does indeed kill wildlife.

Coupled with the dozens of other studies that show DDT and its daughters do damage to wildlife, I'm curious where you got the idea it doesn't. The first suit against DDT, filed in 1959, provided sufficient evidence to the court that DDT killed wildlife that spraying for mosquitoes was enjoined. That was a very high standard of evidence then, particularly since it was a first look by the court. Any search of PubMed will turn up a few accounts; a library browsing of science journals from 1940 through 1980 will turn up hundreds of studies confirming that DDT kills wildlife.

A "defacto" ban is absolutely helpless against a waiver to use DDT. Since a "defacto" ban has no force of law, laws that require DDT to be used generally work. Mexico has used DDT consistently and constantly since 1946.

If you think people have some misimpressions about DDT, give them accurate information. But to claim it's harmless to wildlife against an avalanche of evidence, and to claim it's not linked to cancer when it's on every list of animal carcinogens, doesn't instill confidence in the case for indiscriminating use of DDT. It doesn't help make the case for careful use of DDT, either.

U.S. anti-malaria money is earmarked for effective solutions -- one of the problems is, right now, that the Bush administration has refused to release the money to be used in Africa. Go figure. Maybe Mrs. Bush's tour last month can spring some funds.

The inability of African and Asian governments to run an effective program in anything is a major problem for programs against malaria. But you know what? Rachel Carson didn't put Idi Amin into power, or any other totalitarian nut. If DDT were sold in milk, it still couldn't get to where it's needed in some nations. That's not a problem that slamming Rachel Carson or railing against environmentalists will solve.

By the way, if you look at the website for Environmental Defense, you'll see they've been pushing the U.S. government to get off the dime and get DDT spraying programs going where they are needed in Africa for at least five years. This is significant, and telling, because ED is the group that first sued to stop spraying on Long Island. They haven't changed their position at all, by the way -- they still thinkg DDT should not be sprayed willy-nilly. But please don't blame wise and far-seeing environmentalists for the errors and screw-ups of anti-environmentalists like the Bush administration.

Why do you blame the left for the mistakes of the right? The Uganda example has nothing to do with environmentalists urging DDT be stopped there. By the way, Uganda is the country Idi Amin decimated. Again, environmentalists had nothing to do with that.

Malaria fighters say it's lack of medical care that caused malaria to come roaring back, coupled with stupid deforestation and global warming.

Oh, but you can't rail against Al Gore if you tell that fact, can you?

Gore's right, and if we listen to the "lefists" like Environmental Defense, we could make serious strides against malaria. But we'd have to let Gore stand out there as an example of a wise and compassionate man.

Maybe that's why the Bush administration has resisted DDT spraying? Write 'em and see.

Blogger Unknown said...

I spent a little more time than usual on this response because I need to restate my case and provide a little more clarity to my arguement. As Dennis Prager says, I am interested in clarity over agreement. I cannot make you agree with me, but I can make myself clear! Sorry for the long read.
Thanks for the comment.
I love those who disagree with me because it forces me to defend my beliefs from various angles. However, I will not defend or debate your opinion on Bush. I support the few Conservative issues Bush stands for, but his refusal to pardon Campian and Ramos, his non vision regarding the Supreme Court and his stance on Illegal immigration has rendered me unable to defend against even the Left's most asinine accusations.

To start, I will make a forfeiture that may put us nearer to being on the same page.
I believe that DDT should ONLY be used as an indoor residual treatment in conjunction with Vector Control in and around homes of those who live in countries that cannot afford alternatives. NEVER do I advocate crop spraying, forest fumigation or wide spread broadcast treatment in any other manner, not at least.... at this stage of the science. You see I give credence to your side as much as I believe they have not proven it to be a carcinogenic hazard, I also admit others have not proven that it does not pose such a threat. So until more is certain, (non-partisan science) I believe all treatments should be restricted as described above.

Now, you say DDT is a known animal carcinogen, we are not all numbskulls here so you're not required to give the definition.
So let's take your claim and let's look and see what history says about that.

Epidemiology can be a tricky thing, it is even more difficult when people defend their ideology by trumping up science to support it. In 1969 Scientists said there was a higher incidence of Leukemia in lab animals that were fed (not animals who touched treated surfaces) DDT. They blamed the recent decline of Peregrine Falcon and Osprey on the use of DDT. The following year most US states banned the chemical and the USDA began a phase out.

Many scientists of the day were mad! They protested the findings, to no avail.
They pointed out that the scientists who conducted the studies did not take into consideration that during or after the twenty five years of DDT use there had been, "NO increase in Liver cancer among those who lived in areas treated with DDT."

Also, the WHO is no Conservative think tank, do we agree? They investigated the study and their scientists found that the experimental group animals ( the ones who received the DDT orally demonstrating a high number of tumors) had been fed moldy food with unusually high amounts of alflatoxin.......a carcinogen!!!!

I don't take these scientists of the left as dummies! They knew exactly what they were doing and their tactics prove nefarious motives!! They sought to use DDT as a wiping boy because it was Carson's book and the following indignant hysteria that gave birth to the prosperous modern environmental wing of the Librocratic party.
When the tests were repeated using noncontaminated foods, neither group developed tumors.

In '70 the National Academy of Sciences said, “In little more than two decades, DDT has prevented 500 million human deaths due to malaria, that would otherwise have been inevitable.” Now do you think it to be morally ill to deny people a chemical with that kind of life saving capacity on the basis of a study using compromised and refuted science? I do, and I think that those who continue to sit by and wave it all off as if everything is fine needs to pay a little closer attention or they risk being guilty of abetting the needless deaths at the hands of malaria. The nets do not work, they tear, they itch and are taken off. They are forgotten or misplaced. The repellants do not work well enough either. The chemical alternatives to DDT are expensive and many of them under attack by those who choose to defend bugs, bats and birds over people. The kind of enviro-Nazis who use Dershowitz style relativism to put on the same shelf the life of a human and the life of an animal; cannot understand my argument and that's ok. I am not so skilled that I can take on the task of teaching basic morality and humanity to close minded atheists such as those in the ban all-chemicals crowd.

You said, "a library browsing of science journals from 1940 through 1980 will turn up hundreds of studies confirming that DDT kills wildlife."
Equally if you do some searching for the studies you point to, you will have to scan past hundreds that find that those claims are false and offer refutation.
But let's say that you have more studies that show DDT kills birds and other wildlife when applied by guidelines. How do you balance that with the National Audubon Society's findings that despite the research of 'in the pocket' scientists like Drs. Joseph Hickey, Daniel Anderson and the USDA's own Joel Bitman that widespread thinning of Raptor and Quail eggs were devastating the populations.
The Audubon's own statistical analyses find more than 26 different species of birds increased in population from 1940 to 1960. Among them our national treasure the Bald Eagle, who had a population of 197 in 1941 and in 1960 the National Audubon Society reported a population of 891.

In 1971 leftists succeeded in removing pesticide regulation from the USDA's hands and giving it over to their newly created ' villainous' EPA. Then following SEVEN months of testimony EPA hearing Judge Sweeney decided, “DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man. . . . The uses of DDT under the regulations involved here do not have a deleterious effect on freshwater fish, estuarine organisms, wild birds, or other wildlife. . . . The evidence in this proceeding supports the conclusion that there is a present need for the essential uses of DDT.”

That wasn't good enough for the left, only two months later EPA head Bill Ruckelhaus over turned the ruling. When confronted with the fact that he had reviewed none of the hearing's findings and attended none of the actual hearings, and was asked if the truth was ignored in favor of a political agenda, Ruckelshaus answered in the American Farm Bureau Federation publication on April 26, 1979, that "Science, along with other disciplines such as economics, has a role to play, but the ultimate judgment remains political."

Want more? Ok, Charles Wurster, chief scientist for the Environmental Defense Fund, said, "If the environmentalists win on DDT, they will achieve a level of authority they have never had before.. In a sense, much more is at stake than DDT." So for political reasons the EPA leads a ban on DDT, a ban which acts to prevent the US from purchasing DDT for poor nations.
You said, "A "defacto" ban is absolutely helpless against a waiver to use DDT. Since a "defacto" ban has no force of law, laws that require DDT to be used generally work."

You don't understand, the defacto ban is a ban in this manner. Let's say you need mosquito control and you live in Uganda. The prescient people at the UN and other world bodies say you can use it (hence the waiver). You say great, "Give us DDT!" The world responds, well, we can give you billions of dollars worth of mosquito netting and repellant spray, we can pay millions to send someone to teach you how to stay inside and sleep with your netting wrapped around your neck, but our Leftist anti-morality will not permit us to send you the one thing you need most!
Now, you can't afford such a program to reach all of your people so what do you do? You treat what you can and watch the others die!
You are undoubtedly a fan of Leftist concoctions, visit the website Watch the numbers on 'The World Clock', the deaths from malaria continue to rise at a rate of 2 per minute!

You challenged me to give, people who may have misimpressions, the truth! I have done so. Do I dispute that some scientists believe DDT is bad, absolutely not, I do however dispute that you have all the answers because you can quote the Left's mantra that all credible science agrees with you. Al Gore has tried this tactic and it is backfiring on him on sites such as Acanthophis Gore and others.

Just like a classic lefty you had to get a punch in on Bush and blame one more thing on Global Warming.
Then you went on to say something to reveal exactly what I mean by Compassionate Environmentalism. You see! Leftists say we are the heartless ones, Leftists say that they have a monopoly on compassion, yet their compassion often lies with the political elite and the environment. Human need is not even on the table.
You said, "The inability of African and Asian governments to run an effective program in anything is a major problem for programs against malaria. But you know what? Rachel Carson didn't put Idi Amin into power, or any other totalitarian nut." Now, most would ascribe that kind of comment to the 'Radical Right' wouldn't they? What you just said is that it's too bad, their stupid enough to be imprisoned in poverty by a mad man, so let 'em eat cake.

I am embarrassed for you Ed, I had a better impression of you.
You say that the ED has been pushing to get DDT to these places for five years..... the Conservatives have been fighting to get it to these people for thirty years! As long as the EPA holds the power they do, NO administration can do a thing about it! Bush can't use DDT according to current US Law. No one is suggesting DDT be sprayed, "Willy-nilly", Vector and inside residual treatment of dwellings cuts Malaria by 80 plus %. Treat their homes, treat their schools if the have them, and treat their medical facilities. That's what compassion is about, not basing your opinion on politically driven science.

Ed, don't get me wrong, I am not slinging ad hominin bombs at you, I am sure you are a great guy who loves his fellow man every bit as much as I do. I would bet all I have that your motives are to do good, you strike me as an intelligent and caring person. My animus is directed at the ideology of Liberalism not individual liberals. I have close friends who are libs, I love them all. My war with liberals is waged in the realm of ideas not personal battles. My complaint is that in order to find these info bits you gave in this thread, you had to brush aside mountains of voices and evidence that refute the info you choose to align with. Then you pretend that I must have recounted some vivid dream when I wrote this post.
I don't have time to look up and direct you to hundreds of sources supporting my claims. You would not give them the fair minded reading they deserve anyway (I assume)
However, for those who want to start digging into the facts I have laid out, I offer these:


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