The Squamata Report: Gay Activists

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gay Activists

When Proposition 8 in California, defining 'marriage' as a union between a man and a woman, upheld the will of the people recently, thirty year old personal trainer and stand-up comedian Sean Hetherington's world began to crumble. All he wanted was to be free to express his love for his boyfriend in the ultimate way..... marriage.
Is that too much to ask?

~A Sit-in with Service~
So Sean got on board the burgeoning, 'Day Without a Gay' protest. In loud unison the gays of America would rise up and proudly proclaim, "I am Gay and I'm not ashamed!" So across America the word got out. Gays and those waiting to come out of the closet were poised to call in to work on Wednesday the 10th of December and announce that they were gay and that this was an official protest of obvious oppressive treatment! However, Hetherington added a twist to the group he organized. He asked that everyone not only call in to work but that they do community service so the world would know despite the hate from right wing Christians, gays are not bad people!

~Silent Success~
I want to talk to you a little about the gay movement, their tactics and their misguided, emotion driven goal.
However, I must first wrap up the 'Day without a Gay' protest and Mr. Hetherington.
Hetherington's rally, in his mind was a success. However, actual or true data on the results of the protest is unobtainable and no report suggests community service saw a peak in participation nationally. I certainly didn't notice a big impact in my town, but then again I do live in Texas and you know how many hateful bigots live here.

~ Daddy, Papa and Me ~
What I did take away from the 'Day without a Gay' protest was that once again gay rights activists will stop at nothing in their quest to redefine marriage and make homosexuality acceptable mainstream social behavior. They will not be impeded by dissent from vile religiously intoxicated conservatives! Recently Mr. Hetherington and friends have taken a play from the Secular Humanists and begun a campaign to teach pro-gay lifestyle as a matter of choice to elementary and high school students. If you think it's wrong to teach about homosexuality in grade school you are a bigot and your opinion does not count, Mr. Hetherington told Michael Medved on Dec 10th's Day w/o a Gay. To him, the only voice to be heard with all impunity is the voice of the martyred gay rights activists.(heretofore:'Gayists' )

When confronted in debate, gayists side-step the issue and go directly for the bigoted homophobe defense and the debate is over.
They declare us hateful and biased so our argument can't be heard. Well, I'm going to give it a shot anyway, maybe some who differ will gain some understanding but certainly, I will anger many.

~ I support Gay Marriage ~
That's right; I support gay marriage! I know that's going to catch some of my friends off guard but it's just too bad. I don't think my beliefs can be swayed. I have given a lot of thought to the matter and I believe gays should always be allowed to marry the opposite sex just as we do! So I support gay marriage! I do not, however, support same sex marriage. See, I told you some of my readers would be upset.
I do not support changing the definition of marriage. It is and has always been defined as a sacred union between a man and a woman. Every culture and religion has defined it as such. Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism and others agree on marriage's proper definition. Yet we are told that if we want to preserve the definition of marriage we are bigoted, ignorant and fearful of gays.

~Join the Union~
If a gay couple wants to join together in a legally recognized 'Civil Union' they should be provided that right and they are in some states.
A same-sex union serves every need a gay couple would see from the redefinition of traditional marriage.
The only perceivable difference would be religious and most who would be so radical as to demand same sex marriage do not seek the approval of a god who disapproves of their lifestyle! So the issue is obvious, those who fight to redefine marriage (a minority of gays) do so for purely political and ideological reasons. It is an attack on family values and it is a reproach to religious tradition.
Those campaigns do not support the interest of homosexuals, they support a warped minority of gayists who are true vipers.

~Gay suffrage = Slavery~

Gayists claim now that opposing same-sex marriage is akin to slavery. They say banning gays from the clergy is like slavery and they say that if you oppose homosexual curriculum in schools you are oppressing them, just as whites oppressed Rosa Parks and Dred Scott!
Now I want to say, I am neither black nor gay but as a fellow human being I am disgusted by this hurtful comparison!
It is vile to compare the real life oppression, suffering and abuse experienced by black Americans under slavery to a political quarrel over what to call a homosexual union. The two are not similar in any manner. The comparison of interracial marriage and gay marriage doesn't hold true either. The first is an issue of racial differences (which I discount greatly) and the other is the issue of sexual differences. There is a clear and definite contrast between man and woman but barring superficial skin tone there is no fundamental difference between a black Asian or European Caucasian! Certainly you are sufficiently cognitive to agree, right? I mean if Obama can understand it certainly you can!

~Barrack Obama opposes redefining marriage~
Obama has stated many times that he supports keeping marriage's true definition intact. However, in true Liberal fashion he has not supported Prop 8.
So what do you believe Obama truly supports? The world may never know but one thing is for certain, Obama's choice of Rick Warren to administer the inaugural invocation has set the gayists ablaze with anger.
I don't know what the gayists expected, the vast majority of black Americans oppose same sex marriage. It was NOT the Mormons in California who put the Prop 8 vote over the top. The largest demographic to vote for Prop 8 were blacks!

So let's recap: Hetherington's 'Day without a Gay' protest went vastly un-noticed while his fellow gayists fight to undermine family values and minimize the results of slavery. With this knowledge, can you continue to lend a sympathetic ear to gayists' cries of oppression and their half-witted attempts at protests?
Can you as a mom or dad, grandparent or religious leader afford to sit back and let the activists on each side battle it out?
Liberals and gayists may compare us to slave owners but the only slavery here is their own subservience to their agenda!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is it that homosexual activists do not look or sound or in any way act gay? Could it be that "happy" and "carefree" are simply not a part of their natures?


Blogger Unknown said...

You are exactly right David.
It is impossible to live a lifestyle such as they do, attack everyone they see and still be happy.
Could be the emnity with God thing too.
Nothing says 'depression' like believing we are began an accident and have no spiritual or nefesh life to live on after physical death.
They MUST be miserable 24/7

Blogger Unknown said...

I just hope people on my side are humane in their treatment of homosexuals.
They are not my enemy and they are not the target of my ire.
I disagree with their lifestyle and I will teach my children to understand that it is abnormal. But I will also teach them that civility to fellow humans is necessary and proper.
When I rant about 'Gayists' I am drawing a distinction between the common gay person and radical political activists. I would give first aid; full-on mouth to mouth to save a gay person! I would donate a kidney or blood to a gay person. I would go out of my way to be kind to gay people and always will. However, when it comes to 'Gayists' I will always meet them in battle with the same determination as they have while attacking our traditions!

Blogger Mountain Mama said...

Interesting post Ken.
We are all sinners. However I don't flaunt and brag about my sins and tell the world it's ok. I ask God's forgiveness and try desperately not to repeat.
We are to love everyone but that doesn't mean we have to like what they do or what they believe in.
Our prayers go on for all humanity because that's what the Lord has instructed us to do.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, guys, Rachel Maddow looks perfectly happy to me...and SHE'S gay. Not really sure what you mean when you suggest that gay people are miserable or mean spirited.
They've been discriminated against for years, decades, centuries, and they're tired of it.
In a society that has made so many civil liberty leaps and technological innovations, it's hard to believe that we as a society still attach a stigma to being "gay" or homosexual.
Not sure what the fascination here is, either. So they like to have wild monkey sex with someone with the same private parts as they do.
Are you over it yet?
There are plenty of my gay friends who don't hold "emnity" with God either. To suggest that in order to be gay, you must also be an atheist is preposterous.
Anyone has the freedom to define God as they wish, or believe, obviously, or you wouldn't have Christianity. So to say that because "your" version of God hates gay people or disapproves of their lifestyle means it's true, just reeks of ignorance, and self-righteousness.

And if you can only answer one question from this blurb, please answer me, if God hates gay people, then why did he create them?

I appreciate that you hope people on your side are humane in their treatment of homosexuals, but to even have to make that request says a lot about our society and what we must do to change it.
So tell me, Ken, honestly. What's the worst case scenario that would unfold if gay people get married to other gay people?
Let's stop the hate. Now.
Now I'll strap myself in my chair and try to keep myself from bashing my head into my screen.


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