The Squamata Report: Poverty Redistribution

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Poverty Redistribution

Wealth redistribution costs liberty and life!
Early 20th century writer Hilaire Belloc wrote in his book, 'The Servile State', that "To control the production of wealth is to control human life itself. To refuse man the opportunity for the production of wealth is to refuse him the opportunity for life..." Belloc was right and this quote reminds us that the freedom to succeed or fail is intrinsic in all people. Some nations are led by governments who do not understand or respect this right. America survives only due to it's respect for this right of the individual to succeed or fail.

Yet some, like our President, believe you have neither the right to succeed or fail. This is an absurd and dangerous belief. Leftists believe it is the duty of government to redistribute wealth by punishing successful hard working Americans and rewarding the non-contributing masses; they call it equality.

Thomas Jefferson wrote that, "All men are created equal". President Jefferson would have been disgusted by the defiliation of his words by President Obama at his inaugural address, where he announced that we have, "..the God-given promise that all ARE equal.." Obama did not mis-speak, he meant what he said. He believes equality is possible. But all are not equal. A hard working 45 yr old CEO is not nor should he be equal financially to the twenty year old high school drop-out who spent the last five years getting high and sleeping on his mom's couch. Should we hobble the superior athlete or blind fold the faster reader in the name of equality? Should the government be given the power to decide the winners and losers by turning winners into losers?

Let's consider this line of thinking for a moment. All people are NOT equal. All Americans are born with the same rights but none are intrinsically equal. The idea that all can be 'MADE' equal through government regulation and redistribution is an impossible task. Any attempt to implement this philosophy will result in great loses of liberty and the producers in our society must be robbed of their personal property and their lives!

Americans must come to understand, tyrannical growers of government like Obama, must take liberties, properties and wealth from individuals to procure this growth. Absolute despotic governmental power to redistribute wealth is only obtainable through a large scale rape of individuals and private business. Leftists never argue that everyone should be rich; they seek to make everyone poorer not richer. When the government redistributes wealth they take more than money, they take away your ability to succeed in life.

FA Hayek referred to this as a 'Planned or Controlled Society'. In order to dictate fairness and equality the President must control every aspect of our lives, not only monetarily. It is a great misconception of the Left that wealth redistribution and legislated fairness or equality only effects our economic situation. Wealth redistribution is actually a misnomer. When neo-Marxist/ Socialist leaders like Obama gobble up the private sector and begin to control more and more of our economy, they don't then give that power and wealth to poor people, the government absorbs it. There is no wealth redistribution, only poverty redistribution.

If you have two cars and your neighbor has none, a controlled government would seize your second car and give it to your neighbor. Did that make your neighbor richer like you? No, it made you poorer like your neighbor; while making government the arbiter of your possessions and your life.

So when you hear Obama continue to tout equality and fairness remember what President Ford once said, "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have,".


Blogger Mountain Mama said...

Another great post Ken.
Mr O's plan is so obviously rediculous I am amazed that more people aren't able to see it.
"there are none so blind as those who will not see...
God Bless America and our precious troops.

Anonymous dave said...

Blogger Unknown said...

Nice try Dave, I know you are trying to push my buttons and you don't really mean what you said by posting the Youtube video of libs calling Reagan a socialist. Because I am sure you know Reagan did not start the EITC, Ford did. Actually Ford only succeeded in implementing the program designed by Treasury Sec. Mellon in the '20s. David Gergen is either stupid or a liar! I am not going to decide which, I'll leave that up to you, but when he said, "Who started the EITC?.... Ronald Reagan." he misled viewers. He also said Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican as if that was telling of some theme. This too was misleading, Theodore Roosevelt was NOT a conservative nor did he lean socialist. He was a left of center moderate who headed the Republican party when Republicans were considerably left wingers. Democrats then were closest to today's Conservative movement, not Republicans.

Yes, in 1986 Reagan raised it from 10% to 14% and I and MANY Conservatives agree that he was desperately wrong for doing so. However, you must admit a single hat tip to a BAD socialist idea does not a Socialist make. If a man rides a bicycle with a loud diesel horn does that make him a trucker? All must confess that Reagan was the most conservative leader America had in the 20th century. By this measure a clearly Leftist neo-Marxist like Obama must be a Conservative since he voted against gay marriage. Sorry, neither scenario fits....... and incase you didn't know Joe Biden and Anderson Cooper are absolute morons!


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