The Squamata Report: Big Tent Republicans

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Big Tent Republicans

There has been a lot of talk lately about the Republican need for a 'Big Tent'. What they mean is that if the Republicans want to win they have to do as Reagan did and win the moderate vote. An elusive task for the McCain-Palin campaign. Logic would then lead one to believe the only way we can win is to pacify and appease those who teeter on the fence. But I have another idea, perhaps a less popular idea but I am not dissuaded.

Big tent politics wins elections, Obama more than proved that. However, I believe it is as useless to the moral fiber and direction of this nation as chocolate cake is for the health of our bodies. Sure it's filling but its nutritionally vapid and ends up rotting your teeth. If a party such as the GOP begins to be all inclusive they become weak in the face of legislative and judicial evils. Conservatives have been the majority in the Republican party for many decades. It is our party! If we decide that our principals mean nothing and political power means everything we become as venomous as the Democrats. We must win people to the Republican party by winning them over to Conservatism not watering down Conservatism.

What if your local church decided that to boost revenue they would now begin supporting the strip bar across town and every Sunday during offering instead of heavenly voices from the choir, strippers do a live show. Hey, have you seen the kind of money guys spend at these bars? The church could be rolling in cash! Then they could denounce the first books of the Bible so evolutionists would join. The Main Stream media would come and film it and Obama would join as soon as we made Rev. Jeremiah Wright our new pastor. Yes the coffers would grow but the message and the goal would be lost. Christ threw out the gamblers and bookies! The church has a duty to grow by winning hearts and minds through teaching God's word. Conservatives must also grow the Republican party by winning hearts and minds! They too must get out there and take the word of Capitalism and Liberty to the public. We must grow our party as we grow our churches, one convert at a time. So quit sitting there in the pews nodding your head and saying 'Amen!' every few seconds, get out there and preach the virtues of Conservatism. Teach people that a less intrusive government, states rights and individual Liberty is better than tyranny and serfdom offered by the Left!
We don't need a bigger tent, we need a knowledgeable public that recognizes tyranny and bands together to defeat it.


Anonymous dave said...

Best article I've ever read that you have written, Ken. Major dittos.
I respect and admire you for being true to yourself and your beliefs, even if I disagree with your side.
Keep fighting the good fight.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If we decide that our principals mean nothing and political power means everything we become as venomous as the Democrats..."

Too late.

The best way to "convert" people? Every high school grad should be given 2 books: Atlas Shrugged and Basic Economics: A Citizen's Guide to the Economy by Thomas Sowell

Blogger Unknown said...

True anon,
Atlas Shrugged is great. I recommend it and The Fountainhead. Actually I recommend Anthem due to it's double entendre related to governmental/religious oppression


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